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Does anyone know anything about "heart murmur's" in children!!!?

Any information would be appreciated...



it's my granddaughter...she was born at 26 weeks...just to soon...I just found out and now I am flipping out.!!

Update 2:

Elise is was found in a routine check up...echocardiogram next week...

Update 3:

and James is doing great...!!! alot of scabs on that boy!!

Update 4:

I am having a hard time picking a B/A...

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My son has one as a result of too many strep infections as a toddler. Ditto my sister and rheumatic fever.

    Most are "innocent" Kerilyn, and of no concern or consequence. Neither my sister nor son are bothered by theirs. If the child's doctor is not concerned, then there's no need for worry.

    ps ... hope your son is well and recovering nicely.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heart murmurs are sounds that a doctor hears when listening to the heart. They are common in childhood. There are many causes for heart murmurs. Some causes are completely benign and may even go away with age. Others may be due to a structural heart condition that may require surgery or other treatment. Most murmurs due to a structural heart lesion cause symptoms early in life and therefore are corrected if needed early in childhood. There are some structural heart condition that might not have symptoms until adulthood. Doctors are able to tell a lot just by listening to the murmur and they can also order further tests to further evaluate the cause if they feel that is necessary. A test that is good for evaluating heart murmurs is called an Echocardiogram, which is basically an ultrasound of the heart. I hope this helps you.

  • Carly
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    dont worry!!! heart murmurs are NOT heart problems, there is a good chance that her heart murmur is totally innocent and could be nothing. there is a chance that it is caused by a heart problem....but dont worry just wait for the ECHO and see what it says, im 16 and i have a heart murmur caused by 4 heart problems(Aortic Stenosis, Aortic regurgitation, Bicuspid Aortic Valve, and an enlarged Aorta) but dont worry she could be totally fine!

  • 1 decade ago

    Its basically an extra sound the heart makes.

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  • dcrc93
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    here is a site that might help you

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