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I just told my mom I was gay...?

She was reading my MSN conversation with my friend, and lets just say shes lesbian, and I'm gay, and we were having our normal conversation.

she just got quiet, hugged me, got to the door, and said we'll talk in the morning. I feel like crap, because she thinks if you're gay you go to hell...

What should I doooo? =/ I feel uncomfortable and awkward, should I talk to her again? God this is confusing=//


She was reading my conversation because the girl I talk to is 3 years older then me, and she doesn't trust me very well

Update 2:

I have just finished watching The Bible Told Me So, it is a very moving video.. thank you so much for recommending it, I'm definitely showing my mom this

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Clearly she loves you.

    But she may try to have you "cured" or "healed" of homosexuality. Of course that doesn't work -- I tried to be ex-gay for 27 years, including fasting, praying, binding temptation and marriage to a woman -- but I'm still gay.

    I'm providing a few links that might help, particularly the family acceptance link.

    It's true that six bible verses (out of about 30,000 verses, lol) seem to speak against homosexuality. But in every case, those verses in context, looking at the original languages and the history, refer to:

    -- the abduction of boys to make them sex slaves (the true meaning of arsenokoites in 1 Corinthians 6:9 -- it never meant "homosexuals");

    -- sexual violence and gang rape (Sodom and Gomorrah -- compare Genesis 19 with Judges 19);

    -- or ritual same-sex temple prostitution in the worship of idols and false gods (Romans 1 and Leviticus 18 & 20).

    Leviticus was written for the ancient Jews, urging the males not to sleep with the Canaanite priests; two words for "male" are used -- the normal "ish" and the priestly "zakar", plus "toevah" or "abomination" 85% of the time refers to idolatrous practices. It is *not* about sin.

    Likewise, both in Corinth (where Paul was writing the letter) and in Rome (where the letter was headed), there were prominent temples to Cybele the mother goddess. The Greeks and Romans were abandoning the invisible God taught by their own philosophers and were worshiping Cybele instead, using idols of women, lions and serpents.

    Her male priests, the Galli, castrated themselves (what a terrible penalty for their error!), dressed as women, and played the part of women in same-sex temple prostitution, dishonoring their bodies in idol worship and pagan sex rituals.

    Even the women likewise who worshiped Cybele dressed as men, were fitted with artificial phalli / dildos, and played the part of men in ritual prostitution.

    Clearly you aren't doing any of those things, lol.

    In Christ there is no "male and female" (Galatians 3:28, which quotes Genesis 1:27 in order to overturn it -- for we are a new creation in Christ Jesus). God does not look on the outer appearance, but on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Love fulfills every law (Romans 13:8-10), so if you are with a guy you truly love, it is no sin.

    People have misunderstood the Bible before, my friend. 150 years ago people quoted the "clear Word of God" that slaves should obey their masters, as Peter and Paul said. We now realize (Galatians 3:28 again) that isn't what God wanted, but people *thought* that's what the Bible said, so much so that the slave-owning Southern Baptists broke off from the other Baptists in the North because they thought God supported slavery.

    You will feel uncomfortable, but you are feeling and doing nothing wrong. You are a fine young man, and you love whom you love. That can no more be changed than if you are left- or right-handed.

    As I said, your mom will try to cure you. Just know, deep inside, that you are good and fine as you are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I come from a whole family of Bible thumpers. I'm sure they all think I'm bound for hell, or (if there is anything) worse, but we're still family to one another. You can still have a loving, mostly normal relationship with her. You're just probably not going to want to talk about this very much. The key word is respect. You can respect what she believes, and she can respect your right to be happy. Best case scenario, maybe this makes her rethink her beliefs.

    Understand for right now that this is difficult for both of you. It's probably why she didn't want to talk to you tonight. Doesn't sound like you were really ready to come out (unless that's why she was reading your MSN conversation...matter of fact, why *was* she reading it?), but now that it's out there, the worst is over. At least you can be who you are now, and soon you'll realize how empowering and freeing that is.

    Now, when you get to the point where you're bringing boyfriends home, that might be a little tougher, but cross that bridge when you get there ;) Good luck, hon.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give her time. She hugged you and then went to gather her thoughts and pray, hopefully. I hope she realizes that you're the same baby boy that she carried and has love for all these years and will accept you for who you are. I can't imagine not accepting my son, regardless.

    Nonetheless, there are parents who don't. My hairdresser was thrown out of the house and disowned, pretty much, at 16 for coming out. Even when he went to see his mother in the hospice before she died, his idiots of brothers in law were jerks, let their sons be jerks, and their wives, his sisters didn't say a word! Just listening to the story made me want to cry! Luckily, the owner of the shop "adopted" him in a way, so he has a family, but still.....

    It's not easy for a mom to hear that. Give her some time. It sounds to me, from the hug and the patience, that she just needs to get used to it. Make sure you talk to her in the morning, even if she tries to avoid it. You two need to talk.

  • 1 decade ago

    This was not the ideal way to do this but now you are going to have to deal with it. So just answer her questions about it. and go forward. God is not going condemn you to hell for being gay neither should your mother. You should be looking for some support groups for gay teenagers. That would help you a lot right now. Look in yahoo groups or AOL groups for some things to read and for her to read later.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's good that she hugged you and said you'll talk tomorrow. I recommend she watch "The Bible Told Me So" on YouTube. It's a 9 part program about gays and the Bible, and it includes the story of a family who discovered their teenage son was gay, and learned to accept him for who he is, right up to participating in demonstrations outside Focus on the Family headquarters. Good luck to you, and may God bless you and your family.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go talk to her right now. Things like this don't need to wait until the morning. Tell her if she wanted to take the time to read your conversation then she can take the time to talk to you. Tell her how insecure she's made you feel knowing she doesn't accept who you are, but also let her know that you don't feel distant from her, that you do still trust her, and that you needed time to figure out the best time and place and that you wish it came out during a different situation. Regardless of how it ends up it will be in your favor my friend, because your burden of secrecy is gone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, first off, take a deep breath, hold it and then let it out.

    Don't worry about it. At all. Keep yourself busy, keep your thoughts positive. There's absolutely nothing you can do come morning, so don't give yourself an ulcer from fretting over it.

    Some parents hold onto homophobic beliefs, yet their child comes out and all previous rationality is thrown to the wind.

    Best of luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Id wait until mornng and talk with her tell her that you didnt choose to be gay and that you cant help that you like the same sex. Also google information on what the bible actually says about homosexuality you will be surprised :)

  • 1 decade ago

    You should definitely talk to her and be open with her. Be proud of who you are and the rest depends on her reaction. I wish you the best<3 Do not be ashamed!

  • 1 decade ago

    oohhh that must suck bro, take a deep breath, and like walk into her and ur dad "bom bomin" and if she tries to talk to you about that just say "dont worry im gay" and run out the room, or just keep it in for another year

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