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How should I interact with someone that I dislike, but we share mutual friends?

So there is this person that I really hate and we share mutual friends. I could definitely persuade my friends to take my side, however I think this could make me look bad. How can I react to this in a mature way?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    just say hey and talk as little as possible

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have the same problem right now, and have had it before. A while ago there was a girl that I hated. I really hated her, but my best friend and some of my other friends loved her. I tried showing them how much of a b***h she was but they forgave her for everything. Eventually I just gave up and even though she was always there when me and my friends hung out and at the same lunch table, I never talked to her and she never talked to me. It was fine and then I moved. The situation I'm in now, I do the same thing except I didn't try turning them against this girl, because she really isn't mean she just annoys me because she is pushy and loud and obnoxious. In the end, if your friends like this person you and are the only one who doesn't, your going to end up being the one no one likes so you have to learn to deal with it. Good Luck :)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    To put it simply, this is why the world is in such bad shape, no compassion for the fellow man who is going through such a trial of life. How much favor from GOD would we recieve if we put down the hate and bigotry against others and tried to offer just a shoulder for someone to cry on or a hearing ear for others. God Bless him and i hope he uses this situation to help others as time does heal all wounds, even though it does leave some nasty scars!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Exactly what you said. Be mature, keep the tip of your nose up a little. Be casual, be correct. Practice your eye contact--you can say anything you need to this person with your eyes and facial expressions. Don't be too good to say please and thankyou, but that should be the very most. Treat her as if she's invisible. Don't say much in front of her--she might eat it up and spit the details elsewhere in her own twisted version. Keep anything personal away from her ears.

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  • 1 decade ago

    its very mature that you wouldnt let your friends pick sides, but my best answer to you is if you and that person is in the same place or room just say a causual "HI" and just stay away from them, if they try to strike a conversation with you, just smile and tell them you'll be right back... or maybe just let 1 friend know of the your situation so that if they see the person approach you they can help you get out of there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I have a similar prob..but its resolved now... nice to said person...friends shouldnt take your side.....because of another friend....well...lemme just share a story

    I have this friend that has been my friend FOREVER and in grade 4 this girl becomes her friend...grade 5 that friend and another friend always hung out with her NONSTOP and always left me if they controlled her..and didnt let her have her say.

    grade 6 i had nobody to hang with cause i was alittle nervous hanging with my friend and her friends...who are considerd popular...the one girl didnt hang with her that year...ANYWAYS your friends can have different friends you know...but if they aren't nice to you and always make you feel bad about yourself tell your friends about the hated person. My friend didn't really take action all the times things like that happend between me and the one girl even though she knew we didnt like each other..

    OR mabye just try to talk to the hated person and try to get some honest to the hated them you dislike them but you want to try to be friends...I always try to be nice to the people who don't like me....

    This may seem alittle whack but try it at least...You may never know....

  • 1 decade ago

    Try to be friends with this person, if you dissagree with them about things, try to see their point of veiw. Simples.

  • 1 decade ago

    That sounds terrible OmFG i dont know what i would would te do it da sitch u son be tin wit da fed i om wit it.

  • 1 decade ago

    just show some respect to him/her that way no problems can start.

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