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Iranians, here's an election held! You wanna vote?

A referendum actually: Which kind of government for Iran

1. The Islamic Republic (the current system and constitution)

2. A Republic (new constitution)

3. A Monarchy (Pahlavi / new constitution)

4. The Constitutional Monarchy (Pahlavi / the constitution we had before 1979, after the Constitutional Revolution in 1906)

5. A Federal Republic

6. A Federal Monarchy

And beside your vote, mention if you want "Secularism" or not.

Would be great if you explain too about your vote.

Thanks in advance.


@ massy: But I think we MUST take part in elections. After all this election taught us many things. I didn't vote myself 'cause I wasn't eligible. But I was a BIG fan of boycotting the election, and I tried my best to deter all my family and friends from taking part in the election (even though they all were Musavi's fans). But you know what happened, when the majority of people voted for Musavi and Karrubi, now they HAVE something to say, and something to gain, and an excuse for rising up and claim their rights. We all know that fraud in elections is not new, niether torture and rape in prisons. But what is new, and is going to free us, is the common determination, and awareness. Isn't it?

Update 2:

And "common act", which in our case was voting.

Update 3:

@ Green evolution: Explaining your vote means exactly what you did :D

"our experiences abt monarchy and the constitutional monarchy" is not a good argument. We shouldn't judge from its past, rather consider what it really is, and how could it be appropriate for current situation and time. Especially since before revolution, the country wasn't really run by The Constitution.

I'm not Reza Pahlavi's fan, but I think most people who ignore him, first are ignorant and brainwashed about his father and grandfather, and second are ignorant about the basic principles of democracy and its culture.

And about "great leaders and good man such Karroubi and Mousavi", I too admire their courage and their helps and contributions they've made to our path to rights. But I doubt if they know much things about "politics" and deserve to lead a free iran!

Update 4:

@ Morteza: I know it's not a vote, that was more of a joke in the main question! But let us exchange our wishes and ideas about it. Some day, I'm sure, we're gonna act based on these wishes and gonna vote in a referendum in a FREE IRAN. So the more we discuss, the better views and ideas we have.

So, you mind share your wished with us? Because you didn't ;)

Update 5:

@ Shervin: Don't you think a Federal Republic would be more dangerous? Iran is not the USA. So I think a Federal Monarchy would be much better than a Federal Republic.

Update 6:

@ massy: I see. But do you really think "they have taken advantage of us"?!!! They are chilled as hell!!! I really can't understand how you and some of my other friends here could think this way!!!

Update 7:

@ Shervin: You know what I think? As you know Iran has many differences; culturally, ethnically, theologically, linguistically, etc. so I think that wouldn't be much help for our the territorial integrity, and even cause trouble. Because here we leave in the Middle East, just look at Iraq or Turkey or Pakistan... I know IRAN IS NOT PAKISTAN! but we can't just ignore it that good or bad, Iran locates in the Middle East, how far its culture and history is from its neighbors.

So in that way, I think we should learn from our sorrowful neighbors' conditions, so I think having a Royal Family as a symbol of unity and integrity, and also our culture and history, would be a considerable choice. However we should first throw off the unfounded historical stereotypes we have that we sometimes even fight for them, and therefore sacrifice our future for our questionable stories we call history!

Update 8:

Ah! Gosh! how many stupid mistakes I had! I hate it!!!

*our territorial integrity

*even MAY cause trouble

*here we LIVE

*how EVEN far

Update 9:

Oh! Yes! My age! Sorry! A five-month lack of age is much that I can't understand many things...! hopefully in less than two month I'll be damn 18 so people MAY consider me as a human not less than them!

Anyway that was my opinions, could be helpful if have been seen as "a human's views through his experiences, backgrounds, and knowledge that certainly we don't know much about them and could be NOT inferior than us", even might have unique ones (like every single "human") that WE don't know about.

Update 10:

Thanks everybody ;)

I can't really choose one as the best.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A secular republic

    Mixture of government and religion, destroys both.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    There are many factors. 1. There was 85% turnout. That's very high and high turnout almost always favors opposition partys. 2. Text and computer communications were shut down on election day by the ruling party. 3. The members of the opposition party were restricted from polling places. 4. The opposition leader lost the popular vote in his home city where he was very, very popular. I also want to address the end of your question by saying the media is an important part of democracy. Anytime it is censored you can not have a fair election and society. I don't think that we should sit back passively when a democratic country is taken over by a dictator. I think to call president Obama a stuffed suit and to try and compare his election to this Iranian situation, or to compare what's happening to the Iranian media to what happened in 2008 would be irrational, misinformed and irresponsible. I think the Iranians are crying out for international help and change. They don't want to be the bad people we make them out to be. I hope we don't fail to see that, and now is the time to give them our support.

  • ??
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Number 2: I'm 100% for a secular republic. The reasons are pretty much obvious I guess.

    You're right. The federal system is something we should be wary of; Iran is not the USA as you pointed out, so I think separatist movements, especially when manipulated and supported by western governments, could actually pose a real threat for the future of our country. I believe we need to take this issue very seriously, although I'm glad to see that our young people seem already to be aware of this :)

    Thanks for the great question !

  • 1 decade ago

    What a great Q !

    Actually number 2...cause according to our experiences abt monarchy and the constitutional monarchy ,i think its obvious that at least 95% of ppl who lives in Iran don want that kind of government again...and those who wants it back again want it just because they like it for no good reason...[as a woman on voa said :'' Reza Pahlavi !here it is..if ppl want him..he can be a great'' and then a man answered her :''We have many great leaders and good man such Karroubi and Mousavi in Iran who has faced many prils to support ppl and their rights''

    Secularism as a necessity...cause these days religion is most of the times a means for ppl [especially who are politician ]to account for their dirty work.

    explain about my vote?what do u mean ?:D

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  • Massy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Although I decided not to vote any more in the current regime but as this is a cyber voting I'll take part in it.

    I choose no.2 and I do want a secular society, no more religious authority, no more interfiering in our privet lives, feedom of speech, equal rights for everyone with out considering the gender, religion & ethinic. I want to see a united free IRAN.

    Edit: I agree with you that after ellection we had something to fight for. But are we going to exprence this situation once more? I'm not going to let them take advantage of me and use me for their dirty goals so under the same circumstances I won't vote again.

    Edit: Maybe if you get older and take part in some elections and finally don't get the result you were waiting for, you will loose your hope and feel the same as we do!!!

    Don't worry about the writing mistakes, I didn't even noticed while reading :P I always get a great help of spell check ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    this can hardly be considered as a vote, it's more a wish that we -all the Iranians- had the capability to have a free secular democratic government. talking about all Iranians, not the educated fellows on internet; and this would take even centuries to be acquired. that's why this is a wish, not a vote. when there is no ground for such a system, we can't have it. no one can bring it for us, we must patiently reach it ourselves.

    edit: thanks. whatever it is, I'm against anything like monarchy. we have tasted it in different shapes. I'm gonna vote for federal republic. but I see no actual basis for setting that up unfortunately.

  • Ellz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    number 2.

    and definitely secularism.God!can u imagine how good life can be if we live in a secular Iran??

    although,even if there were such an election,i wouldn't vote.i voted for the first and last time this was a mistake.i'm sorry for myself.i actually believed we could make a difference.

    Source(s): a broken heart!
  • 1 decade ago

    2 or 5 are great.

    2 is the best for me, but 5 is great too which changes the whole country into something like the U.S so each state will have their own rules and flags but the whole country remains under a single flag and constitution. this might prevent near border cities like "Kordestan, Western Azerbaijan and Baluchestan" from rebellion and separating from the country (separation).

    yes i like a Secular regime! who doesn't? :)

    Edit : well, maybe you're right, i'm no expert in this case :)

    Edit : i won't support Royal systems anymore :)

  • Majid
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I dream about a Secular Iran every night .

  • 1 decade ago

    a secular Iran most definitely.

    we need real democracy going on in this country.

    so probably number two,a brand new Republic.

    equal rights.

    right to talk

    right to think,


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