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Is anyone as excited about Carly's return to days of our lives as i am?

Bo and Carly were my favorite couple and I stopped watching the show for the most part after they were broken up on the show.


bo and hope have never really struck me as an interesting couple so i am not sad to see the break she needs. I am sure though this is just a game and they will reunite them in the end but this will make it interesting for a couple of weeks

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I'm so excited about Bo and Carly together again. Hope couldn't have picked a better time to leave town. Ha Ha Ha!

  • 4 years ago

    i do no longer care if Carly is out of the image yet i'm so ill of ways desire treats Bo that i do no longer desire him to take her back. i admire desire in her own storyline. Bo and desire could be law enforcement officers jointly and play that function for an prolonged time. Tease all persons whilst they get close purely to chill out off yet no romance with different characters.

  • 1 decade ago

    when was carly on the show?? i have been watching for a LONG time and never heard of her. i guess she was before my time lol. i will be happy to see a new story line involving bo and hope tho.

  • MAK
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have watched her on GL ...seeing her will be like seeing an old friend.....With Carlys return maybe her and Bo will have a thing since Miss Fancy Face has no heart where Bo is concerned.....since she left and took there daughter with...for a time out??? better make it a short one Hope a lot of things can happen.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, and I didn't even see her on the show because I was too young to remember. I liked her as Olivia on GL, though.

    Source(s): Comes back this Friday!
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