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How do I keep dog from biting/licking self to point of bleeding?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I agree with the other poster....try using an E-Collar for now, until you can get to the vet.

    You can give Benadryl...the correct dose for a dog is 1mg per lb every 8 hours as needed...not to exceed three times a day.

    If you give it, the only active ingredient should be diphenhydramine. As many medications that are sold OTC contain other meds, this really is a critical point. This means that Benadryl Decongestant, Benadryl for Colds, etc. are all unacceptable.

    HOWEVER-Just know that not every dog that itches needs Benadryl because you need to find out the primary cause. It could be so many things...mites, skin disease, etc.

    If it is allergies, then it will help. However, your pets body may not be able to handle it, as we know nothing about your pet. Also, if its an allergy you need to find that out so can remove the allergen and not have to give Benadryl. Now is allergy season, so if this helps and it clears up during winter, you will know its allergies. So talk to your vet about it.

    Just because you didnt see fleas does not mean they are not there. Try brushing the you see any black dirt like stuff on the brush or in the fur? That is flea "poop". They digest blood, and therefore thats what comes out. You can place the flea dirt on a white paper towel and add a little water. If it turns red, then your pup has fleas. Then you need to treat the fleas.

    Your dog could have something wrong that you dont even recognize. So just becareful.

    Benadryl can make your pet very sleepy too...did you know that? If you do give it, and your pet is sleepy, just know thats why. Maybe try giving a smaller dose and see if that helps if she gets drowsy. Make sure you know your pets accurate weight as well.

    You need to atleast call the vet, the phone call is free. Just let them know your pet is itchy, and find out if it is safe to give your pet, and that you are going to give it. This way they have record of your pup being itchy.

    Benadryl -- or diphenhydramine -- is a first-generation antihistamine. It has been around for a very long time, and it has survived the test of time well, often out-shining newer antihistamines with ease.

    While it has some side-effects (pronounced drowsiness being the most common), diphenhydramine is extremely safe for most applications; and even better, most if not all of its interactions and side-effects are known. Note that it is counterindicated when your dog (or your human) has prostatic disease, hyperthyroidism or glaucoma.

    It is very difficult to give a lethal dose of Benadryl. This most definitely does not mean it's okay to exceed dosing -- it's not. It does mean that you are not likely to accidentally kill your dog with a tiny mistake. Having been around so very long, diphenhydramine has a huge list of possible, super-rare, super-unlikely (and probably false) interactions.

    Good Luck, please just atleast give the vet a call!

    Source(s): Vet Tech
  • Emdee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1) physical barrier such as an elizebethan collar or socks on his feet. Just until you get to....

    2) GO TO THE VET!! If he's scratching so badly that he's bleeding there's something wrong!!!

    Do not give any oral meds (even benadryl- which does have a safe dose for dogs) until consulting your vet. Your dog could have a medical condition we don't know about which makes it unsafe four your dog to have that drug, plus the dose goes by weight so without knowing how big your dog is no one online can safely tell you how much to give. Best to let the vet decide which medicine and how much.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It sounds like a bad flea/mite infestation or skin infection. The dog should see the vet asap. If your friend is in the UK and on benefits they can find a PDSA sponsored vet, register with the PDSA and vet (which costs about £3-£4) and then the PDSA will pay most of the bills. If they are not on benefits and still reckon they can't afford the vet they should consider rehoming the dog with someone who can look after it properly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get a liquid bandage, this tastes bad. Until then whenever you see the dog licking that place, push its head away. You can also use a real bandage until you can get a liquid bandage.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He my have some really bad allergies. Try giving him benadryl (25 mg) once a day. He'll be sleepy at first, but it could really help. Get him to the vet. There are some shots that can really help to take away the itching and inflammation. Plus, you need to find out the cause

    Source(s): I work at a vet hospital
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Put something gross on the spot it is licking at, it will lick or bite it and be disgusted.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You haven't told us why your dog is doing it?

    Fleas - treat it.

    Demodoptic Mange - vet.

    Itchiness - bath with releiving shampoo.

    Skin allegies - vet or change food.

    Wound - vet.

    Habit - cone.

    Good Luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    it depends where he is scratching..if it is the paws that is probably allergies...if it is on the butt/back above the tail it is probably fleas

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