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Lv 5
Yesugi asked in SportsCycling · 1 decade ago

For bikers who don't wear helmets: 3 questions?

I totally understand the idea of an adult's not wanting to be forced to wear a helmet when riding, and I oppose such mandatory helmet laws.

However, I always wear a helmet when I ride. I'd like to know

1) the reasons why those who don't wear helmets all the time, don't wear helmets.

2) Also, do you wear a helmet sometimes? If so, when, and why?

3) Lastly, would you wear a helmet if it were lighter, quieter, allowed better visibility, or had less wind resistance? (Or something else -- what?)


6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People don't wear helmets because they misunderstand the risk. They see cycling as a no-risk or low-risk activity that does not need a helmet. Or, they just don't care about risk. They may think it looks dumb, will mess up their hair, etc.

    I wear a cycling helmet always becasue I DO understand the risk. I have studied it and I understand what the helmet protects me from.

    Cycling helmets are already feather-light, make no noise, and do not obstruct visibility. No reason not to wear one.

    Source(s): Avid cyclist. Professional in the safety industry
  • R C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you travel to the heartland of cycling in mainland Europe you will rarely see anyone other than a competitive cyclist wearing a helmet.

    1) A helmet is taken to be a technical solution for a social problem, the correct answer is to improve the standards of road users behaviour. Living where I do the heat generated riding the inevitable long climbs with a block of polystyrene on your head is a non-starter.

    2) In the past I always wore a helmet until I bought the last example and the shopkeeper showed me how quickly they can deteriorate under the plastic cover, they may only be effective for a few weeks in some circumstances.

    3) The technology has matured quickly and helmets are light etc these days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well i live in NYC so i am in a pretty high risk area for getting hit by a car, and i have. In each instance of getting hit i was lucky enough not to land on my head, usually my legs took the beating or my back in one very bad case. I ride everyday at least 20 miles a day and i consider myself a very alert rider. I know when a car is going to turn through the bike lane on me without looking and cut me off, when someone is going to open a door, when some one is going to J walk while traffic is held up at a red light pass between the cars and into my path. ETC...

    1.Now that i have said that I don't wear a helmet because of the folowng:

    A. I do feel that it restricts my view

    B. I do not own a helmet

    C. I am an idiot

    D. Its to much of a hassle when you add it on to all the other stuff i have to carry and it makes me occward

    2. Never wear one unless it is mandated in a race or tour

    3.Dont care about the wind resistance, but if all those other factors were accounted for then no I probably still would not wear one. I accept the risk i am taking, and i know how big of a risk it is. No matter how good of a rider I am, accidents can be caused by others without you doing anything wrong. Pick your protection will you swim with sharks without any protection, with some protection ie chainmail,In a cage or will you watch others swimm with sharks from home on your tv.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't wear a helmet because it makes me look stupid. When they start making helmets that are bit more subtle and less techno looking I'll probably buy one.

    I know the dangers of head injury, I rode a motorcycle for 10 years, but riding my old 3-speed bicycle at 8 - 10mph I don't feel like I'm in all that much danger; there is a risk but riding down a country road at 8mph or walking.. what's the difference? Should walkers wear helmets? They get hit by cars too.

    I also learned how to fall without getting hurt (or less hurt anyway) which helps reduce the risk.

    It's not that I wouldn't wear a helmet if I felt I needed one but riding a bicycle is one of the last freedoms left where you can go where you want, when you want and how you want without the need for papers and licences.

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  • Jack
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1.) Where and when I choose to ride, the risk is very low.

    2.) I would wear a helmet in a higher risk situation. Most likely I'd walk or drive in such situations.

    3.)Helmets are of poor design. They are usually too heavy and cause neck injuries in crashes. Any wreck you are in is either not going to hurt you or you are dead. There are some exceptions, but not where I ride. Helmets are great for sliding. For any impact worth mentioning, your skull is intact while your neck is broken. Where's the benefit?

  • 1 decade ago

    it messes up the hair!

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