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why won't my yahoo emails open?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    95% of Yahoo users have had this problem and theres been so many suggestions how to fix it(Most dont even work)But i found a fool proof method of fixing it.First if you want you can download Firefox and use that instead of IE(I of course can't because of my OS) OR you can follow these instructions below for MY method.Okay let's get started! go to My Yahoo and make sure you are signed in (i have it as my homepage)on the left you should see Personal Assistant on the left that has icons for Mail,Weather,Lottery etc. Now if you dont have My Yahoo as your homepage just bookmark it or have it on the yahoo toolbar.Okay now getting back to Personal Assistant,Hold the Cursor over Mail in Personal Assistant BUT DONT CLICK IT!!!! you should see it drop down within a second or two and be able to view your old and new messages in the box CLICK on any message and it will send you to yahoo mail inbox web page without it freezing(Like mine did) soon as you get there right click on your mouse and select create shortcut or bookmark(does not matter)I created a shortcut to yahoo mail inbox and put it on my desktop for right now.Since a few days ago i have not had a problem clicking on the shortcut to my inbox.(Oh and good news is once you click on the shortcut you dont have to worry about the inbox freezing)Just whatever you do DONT CLICK MAIL when you get to your inbox because it will freeze again(mine did after i tested it)Just click inbox,refresh,compose etc but no clicky Mail. Hope this works for you as it did for me...Almost forgot,you might have to refresh sometimes when clicking on the shortcut or bookmark site of the inbox web page so dont worrying about it freezing

    Also if you are using that Yahoo Beta BS switch back to classic...personally i never switched to Beta because i didnt care...on how to switch back to classic you just go to a site that has it or something..but first try my method before switching and if it dont work you know what to do...Switch back!!!!

    Now if this does not work for you or you NEED TO SEE EMAILS RIGHT NOW!!because you can't wait go here for right now for basic Y! Mail

  • Lyn G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Try this: sign out of Yahoo.

    Then delete your temporary Internet files, history and cookies, some computers need to reboot. Once done, go back into Yahoo and see if that has helped. If you continue to have trouble, contact service representative and explain the problem to them.

    Yahoo! Mail Technical Help Form

    Yahoo! Customer Service


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