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Jess asked in Science & MathematicsChemistry · 1 decade ago

Chem questions about potassium?!bonding family? lender?giver?sharer of electrons?combustible? interstng fact? title said it all:)

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    potassium is a alkali metal it has one free electron to bond with other another atom. When it uses that electron in bonding, it becomes positive. By itself, it might combust in air due to H2O being present; it violently combusts in H2O forming Hydrogen gas and KOH.

  • 1 decade ago

    Refer to the Periodic Table. You will notice that the element, potassium (K) appears in the far left group.

    The order electronegativity goes from above and to the right - Fluorine is the most electronegative atom. By electronegative we mean it has a high attraction for electrons. Based on your question, depending on the location of the atoms on the periodic table, K would most likely be a donor of electrons.

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