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Ortho Mouse Trap Ad on V&V Answers?

How many of you have seen that ad about the new Ortho mouse trap that is "guaranteed to kill the mouse" on the V&V section? I have sent an email to Yahoo about it and anyone else who'd like to, here's the address:

Doesn't anybody at Yahoo care about anything other than the money they're raking in from advertisers?

2 Answers

  • J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I haven't seen the ad because I have Adblock Plus.

    While I think that is terrible to be seen in the V&V section, let alone any section, I highly doubt Yahoo! can control which ads go in which section--I'm sure they all go to each category.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is it that one commercial about some women talking to a man about how she killed a mouse in a white box or something?

    Why couldn't she at least tried to put it in a regular box and let it go out in the woods or something?

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