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HOTSTAR asked in Business & FinanceInvesting · 1 decade ago

Did you hear of the bumper bonuses announced for JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs staff?

They were broke and rescued by public funds, or so we heard but then they make record profits? Can' t believe what we hear these days. Did the bankers not agree to give fat bonuses at the recent G20?

what about the ppl who had investments and lost it all?

see here


to give up huge bonuses, i meant..

Update 2:

Banks and bankers collectively brought about the collapse of the world's finance and economy leading to our present state of recession, credit crunch etc. Right? In the end its the ordinary ppl who are suffering with all the consequences -jobs, homes, no savings, and many downright broke!

Perhaps the two banks did not ask fr funds but they were doing much the same as most other banks and still responsible fr the collapse one way or other? Can't believe they were the only two pristine angels left in the industry which did it all right and proper. In any case no bank will have funds to play with but for the people who put their hard earned funds into the banks, hence my feelings against all big bonuses which in fact led to greedy bankers and in turn to extraordinary risk taking and then the collapse.

But i do agree that the govt is the problem.

Update 3:

Cannot agree more that our politicians cannot be trusted at all. When we see heads of govts lying to us blatantly its time to rethink of voting anyone into power. Its hard to see a single politician good enough to vote for at election time.

Update 4:

I am not an economist and maybe immature but i am one of the suffering public who has to pay more for everything, unable to save and any little savings left earns next to nothing interest and cannot even think of buying a home even with falling house prices. All this because of greedy bankers up there who fiddled with public funds and not their won money or bonuses. I do not see any banker on the street or one who has lost his luxury home yet??!! Nor do i see anywhere a remorseful banker!

Update 5:

VINCE CABLE, on sky news, is as appalled as i am; he is neither immature nor can he be said to have little knowledge of the markets and finance.

He describes the return of the bonus culture is comparable to a builder who builds a huge building to make a fortune and when it collapses pays himself grand bonuses for his own failures!

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I agree with the first answer -- you are mixing up your good guys and your bad guys.

    JPM and GS where never seriously in trouble and only took the government money because the government forced them to take it. They made enormous profits on the money because that is what they do with money, free or not. Now they are overpaying their employees, which what they always do.

    JPM & GS are not part of the problem. Your anger is wasted.

  • 1 decade ago

    The way of life for decades on Wall Street has been to pay average or below average salaries but pay annual bonuses.

    JP Morgan & Goldman did not ask for public funds, it was jammed at them by the Government, However, the monies have been paid back with substantial interest which resulted in very large profits to the government.

    The government should stay out of the business world, business does not want them nor do they need them.

    People that lost in their investments ( they did not loose it all) realize that a major lost in the market was do to government interference.

    Where was the government on the Madoff situation or similar problems, they totally had no clue what was going on.

    The government can not help problems, they are the problem

    Only responses agreeing with you will be from other immature individuals who do not understand how the market place has worked successfully for years.

    Source(s): from the street
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know about JP Morgan, but Goldman Sachs paid back all the money they took as "bailout" money and are having a record year.

    Today's news announced that they are scheduled to pay an average salary of $700,000 to their executives.

    I don't specifically blame them for "causing" any market collapses. Let's assume for a moment that they never did anything shady, that they played by the rules and the laws. Is there anything wrong with them making all this money? YES. And here's why.

    What is Goldman Sachs? They are an investment bank and a brokerage. What does that REALLY mean? It means that what they "sell" is access to money, access to the markets, and mechanisms for business and individuals to save and invest. That's IT.

    Their "product" is access to the marketplace.

    They are essentially nothing more than a middle-man who knows the financial laws and has market access. Should the mechanism by which businesses and individuals gain access to the markets be skimming so much profit out of our economy just for providing those services? Hell No! It is a huge drain on our economy.

    But we have a system of politics, laws, and regulations that makes such a middle-man job hugely profitable.

    I make the accusation about lawyers. The very people who are skilled in the rules and the laws and who provide access to the legal system for the rest of us, have set themselves up as very-high-priced middle-men who can extort huge sums from everybody else.

    Are GS and lawyers skilled and educated? You bet. Do they deserve fairily high pay for having acquired that skill and expertise? Yes.

    The devil is in the details. I simply think that the system has reached a point where these people are no longer highly compensated. They have crossed over into the "rape and pillage" category.

  • 5 years ago

    you particularly need to Open that would? 2008, Mr. Obama gained greater from Goldman Sachs that Ms. Clinton AND Mr. McCain. Goldman Sachs $a million,013,091 JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799 financial business enterprise of u . s . no longer on record Morgan Stanley $512,232 credit Suisse team no longer on record Citigroup Inc $736,771 usual electric powered $529,855 Do human beings think of approximately Repercussions of the STATS they use to "prepare a element?" Your element is that Mr. Romney is OWNED by technique of Banks precise? what's the reason then that Mr. OBAMA gained two times as plenty or greater Backing from the comparable institutions final Election? How does that stability with You? only curious. I even used the comparable source, so which you will no longer use the traditional Liberal reaction of "nicely you used a undesirable source."

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  • Alvie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The bankers are fighting tooth and nail to keep their bonuses. They didn't agree to give them up.

    A lot of these bankers are getting bigger bonuses than people win in lotteries. And nobody in their right mind would want to give up that kind of money.

    The thing about bankers is that they donate a lot of money to politicians for their election campaigns. And then these politicians return them the favor by bailing out the banks with taxpayer money and guaranteeing their debts with the full credit of the government.

    Without government help and support, these banks would've had to maintain large cash reserves to cover potential losses from bad loans. And they would be in no shape to pay big bonuses to anyone.

    And if you are upset about this. Then be more careful about which politicians you choose to vote for in the next election. Because ultimately it's the elected politicians who are responsible for all of this.

  • 1 decade ago

    JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs have both repaid the government.

    The government made BILLIONS on their forced "loans".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I agree, this is amazing.

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