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Lv 6
Kaz asked in Food & DrinkEthnic Cuisine · 1 decade ago

In a restaurant, I asked for a well done steak. When it came it was almost raw !?

When the waitress came and asked "is everything ok with your meal ?" I said NO, I asked for a well done steak and a good vet will get this back on it`s feet in half an hour !!

What is your best put down or your favourite one ?



I do like well done steak, I cannot stand the sight of a nice steak with blood seeping out of it ! That makes me feel sick, I want to eat it and enjoy it.

Update 2:

Wu-Tang Fan,

Sorry it`s my personal choice, I hate to see blood on meat, my subconcious tells me it`s not cooked properly !

Update 3:

Can somebody answer the question please ? What is your favourite put down quote ? Thanks for the answers on your choice of steak but that is not the question !

Update 4:

Thank you for the answers BUT nobody has answered my question, What is your best or favourite put down ?

Please answer the question, not give me your opinion on how I should eat my meat !

Update 5:


I don`t really care what you think, I don`t care what anybody thinks. I asked for well done steak, I`m paying for it, I expect to get what I ask for. If you don`t like customers preferences, you were in the wrong business.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    After a poor meal, I too was asked if I'd enjoyed it, and I said, well if the wine had been as cold as the soup, and the chicken breast as plump as the waitress', and the salad as fresh as the waiter, then yeah, i would have enjoyed it, but sadly....!

    PS - I like my steak well done too, I just wish people could see the bugs in raw and underdone meat....

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! I didn't think there was so much debate on the topic 'til I read through some of the answers. I'm proud to say I don't dine in premises of such conceit and snobbery.

    Personally, I like to have my steak cooked rare and if when it comes to my table, I can't see blood when I depress my fork into a slice, it goes back to the kitchen.

    I have had very few complaints in the past.

    I wouldn't make a put down as you refer to it. I am always polite but get my point across.

    "I'm sorry, I asked for rare and this is clearly over done for my liking. Could you please take it back to the kitchen and bring me a rare steak?"

    If the waitress refuses, then maybe I would be more forceful and ask to speak to the manager or the chef.

    I hope that answered your question.

  • 1 decade ago

    People don't have talk some bollocks . Well done is the hardest steak to cook . If it is done properly it is still moist and full of flavor just cooked through .

    There's allot of food snobery about cooking steak . Most chefs and food snobs think it should be vertually raw but it's a matter of taste .

    Personally I would have sent it back and if they got it wrong again I would refuse to pay for it .

    Was it a French resteraunt ? They're notorious for under cooking things . They can't even get carrots right , they come out like bullets .

  • 1 decade ago

    Everybody makes mistakes Lady Carole, an under cooked steak is not the fault of the serving staff so why put them down, why do you, or anybody else like you, think it's funny to make somebody feel small, it's not very intelligent and it is cowardly. They are not in a position to answer back are they. Quite frankly, people like you are tedious in the extreme and I blacklist them, not because they've complained but because of the childish way they go about things. You are not worthy to have someone serve you. If you don't like this answer then tough, grow up a bit and imagine how you would feel if you were put in the same position.

    Source(s): Years in first class hotels and restaurants in senior positions.
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  • Pat
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well done steak is not worth eating. It loses its flavour and tenderness. If you do not like it rare or blue then I suggest you go for pork steak which should be well cooked because of the old fear of trichinosis. But today pork is fed and raised differently and the meat is safe to heat when cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F. If the juices run very light pink, the pork is done.

    There is little point in spoiling good beef by over cooking it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well personally I love my steak medium rare, bloody in the middle and you should have asked to speak to the Chef as soon as you cut into the meat and it was not cooked how you requested it, not berate the waitress when she came back.

    But to answer your question my favourite "put down" as such was when I worked in NHS GP surgery patients would come to the counter and moan that the GP was running late which wasn't my fault. "how much longer am I going to be waiting to see that bloody doctor" they would ask and I used to say "hold on, I'll just check for you" and I'd pretend to (or once or twice I did for real) ring through to the Doctor concerned and say "Oh Doctor, Mrs Smith is just here asking how much bloody longer you intend to keep her waiting?"

    You should have seen their faces, they then had to sit down and worry what the doctor would say to them when they finally went in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Rik, there is way too much food snobbery these days. That said I do love good quality food, cooked the way I like it. I have actually heard that if you go to one of Marco Pierre White's restaurants and ask for your steak well done you'll be shown the door! I don't like people dictating how I should eat my food, especially if I'm paying for it!

  • 1 decade ago

    i think i may have asked if the chef had a bad memory or if he hd Alzheimer's as he had forgotten to cook my steak. but then i personally would not say anything as that is how i like my steak but i appreciate the fact different people have different taste

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I'm like, very particular when it comes to eating meat..mainly because if you eat undercooked meat, you can get worms..and other nasty things in your belly. Lots of people eat steak bloody and "well done" to them isn't really that much more cooked.

    So everytime I go to a restaurant and order ANY kind of meat...I always say "Can I have it burnt please, literally...more cooked than well done, because if its not cooked i'll send it back, I have a stomach problem" and they always give me properly cooked meat..

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We had a catering business. There was a large notice which said 'Please place your order at the counter' Of course some people were too grand to do that and used to snap their fingers or wave at us to come to their table. My husband and I used to wave back and say 'Good afternoon' and stay where we were.

    Petty I know, but we enjoyed it.

    Source(s): retired now thank goodness
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