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Does this sound good.................????????

I can radiate a room…

I bring life to everything!

I am hot!

I can be a bit overwhelming…

I am beautiful :)

I make you feel warm in my embrace

I am bright

Some people hide from me, some appreciate me

I am the center of the universe

My Ego is huge

I have competition, but nothing can phase me

Without me, there would be no life

I am lovely

I am a pleasure to have around

You cannot live without me

I feel like this is a very good answer to “Who are you”? I feel this about myself. What do you think? Is or is this a description of yourself, too?

Best Answer gets the 10.


Ok, its not a poem. Its not me describing myself although some lines are true.

I was referring to the Sun. Thanks for playing. I will choose best answer tomorrow!

Update 2:

Ok, its not a poem. Its not me describing myself although some lines are true.

I was referring to the Sun. Thanks for playing. I will choose best answer tomorrow!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great, but are you a Success....??

  • 1 decade ago

    For me that is a beautful poem that most people would trash about themselves in a poem. For me I feel about half-half i sort of like my lokks but what people say to me makes me deceve myself and beleive what people say to me. For the last lne is a bit conceited and full but a good way to think so that nothing brings you down.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a bit self-centered and jealous and I'm sure not everybody will agree with you. Some of those phrases are pretty cliche. I identify with parts of that too though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its a lovely poem

    you sure are artistic.

    I wish I had your self esteem

    it may be boarderline cocky though.

    Might wanna reighn it in a lttle.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you feel that describes you, go for it. I find it a little bit conceited, but if that's who you are and you're comfortable with that, then it's your call.

  • 1 decade ago


    Now that you have my attention,

    What are you gonna do?

    You might have good intention

    But they're not coming through

    You're very pleased with yourself I see,

    It's like a walk in the park

    You weren't lying by anyone else, cause

    You can see in the dark

    Got a lock,

    Got a key

    Got some kind of vice-like grip on me

    On a leash, by the reigns

    Got a look that puts me in chains

    I tried a subtle suggestion

    A more direct approach

    A can't make your connection

    You're beyond reproach

    No need for petty excuses

    No need for dumbing around

    I don't know what the use is

    But what you knowing down

    Got a lock,

    Got a key

    Got some kind of vice-like grip on me

    On a leash, by the reigns

    Got a look that puts me in chains

    Weird mix of lyrics here:

    Do you like the reflection?

    Do you love the reflection?

    Do you like what you see?

    Do you like the attention?

    Do you like the attention you get from me?

    Hey! Yeah! Hey! Hey!

    Now that you have my attention...

    Got some kind of vice-like grip on me

    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

    Got a lock,

    Got a key.

  • 1 decade ago

    it sounds like u are a tad conceited, if u ask me, but if it really descibes you than it is good. it actually is a lot better than 'i have brown hair, i like shopping, i am nice' :)

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like a riddle

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, YES. Absolutely YES.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's strong. I like it.

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