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Favorite Answers10%
  • lets play matchmaker.................................?

    what celebrities do you think should hook up. for instance i think since charlie sheen cant keep a relationship and jen aniston cant find one maybe they should get together. who do you think should hook up?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have a in the very first Nintendo?

    .....with Super Mario Bros. Tetris, Mario 3....etc.

    How much do you think it is worth? Would you sell it if you had one?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have a in the very first Nintendo?

    .....with Super Mario Bros. Tetris, Mario 3....etc.

    How much do you think it is worth? Would you sell it if you had one?

    11 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What sign do you think I may be most compatable with?

    Here's my chart:

    Sun - Gemini - direct

    Moon - Cancer - direct

    Mercury - Gemini - direct

    Venus - Cancer - direct

    Mars - Leo - direct

    Jupiter - Cancer - direct

    Saturn - Leo - direct

    Uranus - Scorpio - retrograde

    Neptune - Sagittarius - retrograde

    Pluto - Libra - retrograde

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • what are some signs that point to "he's not in to you"?

    ...or is! i mean i know the obvious ones but...

    its been a few weeks (like almost the 3 month mark). what should and should not be happening.

    From an adult perspective please

    **this is not a high school or college type relationship**

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Who is "They".............? know what "they" say....

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Could

    Are the bottom sentences correct?

    1. Jennifer gave the flowers to John and I.

    Jennifer gave the flowers to me and John.

    2. Each of the classes have received the new textbooks.

    Each of the classes has received the new textbooks.

    3. If John or his sister show up, they will receive a warm welcome.

    If John or his sister shows up, they will receive a warm welcome.

    4. Everybody who signed up for the tryouts are students in Mrs. Johnson’s chorus class.

    Everyone, who signed up for the tryouts are students in Mrs. Johnson’s chorus class.

    5. An employee needs to verify that their password is changed each month.

    An employee needs to verify that his/her password is changed each month.

    6. Based on the bench press test, Sarah is stronger than me.

    Based on the bench press test, Sarah is stronger than me.

    7. Neither Marianne nor Cindy want to accept the new assignment.

    Neither Marianne nor Cindy wants to accept the new assignment.

    8. When a student comes to class, you should have completed the assigned readings.

    When a student comes to class, they should have completed the assigned readings.

    9. The coach, as well as the players, were apprehensive about the game.

    The coaches, as well as the players, were apprehensive about the game.

    10. Five hundred dollars are a lot to pay for that run-down car.

    Five hundred dollars is a lot to pay for that run-down car.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What's your laugh sound like?

    how does your body react?

    I laugh out loud, mouth wide smile. head goes up. sometimes i clap or touch the person who makes me laugh on the shoulder. sometimes i cry.

    ***this is if its really that funny tho. not all the time, btw***

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Don't you love those...........?

    .....plastic air controlled mascots usually found at car dealerships that dance around. especially if there is music playing and they are on beat. i think its hilarious!


    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many questions do you come up with in the shower?

    then you get to Y!A and forget......

    the shower is an amazing place for coming up with ideas, but you're all wet and can't write them down. It's not the same in the bathtub, only the shower produces the best thoughts and ideas. Anyone agree?

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How can I learn another language without enrolling in college?

    I am currently in college (small career college) and I want to learn a 2nd or maybe a 3rd language. How can I do this? Where can I go?

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Are you trying to ask/answer as many questions as you can?

    since Y!A is going down for maintenance. Oh, no....

    ((((((What will we do now )))))

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What holiday candy do you like best?




    Valentine's Day

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is anyone in a Gemini/Pisces relationship?

    How is it going? What are your ups and downs. What bothers you? What is your sign and gender? I am the Gemini female....

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • do you..........................................................?

    .........put the noun at the end of your statement? or the noun before the question? For example:

    It's crappy out, the weather is.


    My shoes, where are they?

    Instead of:

    The weather is crappy.

    Where are my shoes?

    I was watching this movie and this guy from Jersey (where the movie was shot) talked like that.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Do you think baby names now a days are?

    just tooooooo unique. To the point were they don't make any sense and the parents are not considering the child's future (being teased or how it looks on their resume' and not being able to pronounce it correctly by ANYONE. All trying to be different......your thoughts?

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Does this sound good.................????????

    I can radiate a room…

    I bring life to everything!

    I am hot!

    I can be a bit overwhelming…

    I am beautiful :)

    I make you feel warm in my embrace

    I am bright

    Some people hide from me, some appreciate me

    I am the center of the universe

    My Ego is huge

    I have competition, but nothing can phase me

    Without me, there would be no life

    I am lovely

    I am a pleasure to have around

    You cannot live without me

    I feel like this is a very good answer to “Who are you”? I feel this about myself. What do you think? Is or is this a description of yourself, too?

    Best Answer gets the 10.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What celeb do you share a birthday with?

    Me June 8.

    Stupid *** Kanye West

    Barbara Bush

    Joan Rivers

    Keenan-Ivory Wayans

    Jerry Stiller (Ben Stiller's dad. Love Ben)

    Nancy Sinatra

    Maria Menounus

    That's all I know.....

    13 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Survey: How do you feel about genres of music?

    Someone commented about the rapper being sued in Carolina for using the hockey teams logo in his song and using the jersey as a marketing tool for himself and the song he made. Most people are ignorant to other races/genres of music/cultures because they don't know enough about it. They automatically throw them in a category of being as this person quoted:

    "Rap music should be banned. It just promotes drug usage, violence on women, and just plain ghetto behavior. How can it even be called music anyways? No original music, just sampling of other peoples songs and silly rhymes".

    When he or she wrote this comment, they forgot about how Rock N Roll is a major influence of drugs, especially back in the day!!! Rap didn't exist back in the 60's and 70's.

    What is your take on these genres of music and do they influence you to do drugs or degrade women and etc....?

    1. Rock

    2. Rap/Hip Hop

    3. R&B

    4. Opera....yes Opera!

    5. Country

    6. Blues

    7. Alternative

    8. Grunge

    9. Punk

    10. Techno/House/Dance

    If there are other genres you'd like to add, feel free.

    Here's how I feel:

    1. Rock - lots of drugs and alcohol/women and revolutionary (Classic Rock)

    2. Rap/Hip Hop - makes me want to dance, some make me angry

    3. R&B - tells a story of love and heartache

    4. Opera....yes Opera! - love stories, good for cleaning the house!

    5. Country - no feeling at all, sounds annoying

    6. Blues - sadness, depression, kinda like country but mellow

    7. Alternative - makes me want to head bang and jump around. I like it.

    8. Grunge - just plain old depression and dirty

    9. Punk - loud and crazy kids

    10. Techno/House/Dance - feels good. pulsating beat makes you move even if you don't want to. Known in Gay clubs. Can be annoying if you hear it too much.

    Thanks for answering, everyone! Remember, this is just an opinion survey. Please don't take offense to it.

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago