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Survey: How do you feel about genres of music?

Someone commented about the rapper being sued in Carolina for using the hockey teams logo in his song and using the jersey as a marketing tool for himself and the song he made. Most people are ignorant to other races/genres of music/cultures because they don't know enough about it. They automatically throw them in a category of being as this person quoted:

"Rap music should be banned. It just promotes drug usage, violence on women, and just plain ghetto behavior. How can it even be called music anyways? No original music, just sampling of other peoples songs and silly rhymes".

When he or she wrote this comment, they forgot about how Rock N Roll is a major influence of drugs, especially back in the day!!! Rap didn't exist back in the 60's and 70's.

What is your take on these genres of music and do they influence you to do drugs or degrade women and etc....?

1. Rock

2. Rap/Hip Hop

3. R&B

4. Opera....yes Opera!

5. Country

6. Blues

7. Alternative

8. Grunge

9. Punk

10. Techno/House/Dance

If there are other genres you'd like to add, feel free.

Here's how I feel:

1. Rock - lots of drugs and alcohol/women and revolutionary (Classic Rock)

2. Rap/Hip Hop - makes me want to dance, some make me angry

3. R&B - tells a story of love and heartache

4. Opera....yes Opera! - love stories, good for cleaning the house!

5. Country - no feeling at all, sounds annoying

6. Blues - sadness, depression, kinda like country but mellow

7. Alternative - makes me want to head bang and jump around. I like it.

8. Grunge - just plain old depression and dirty

9. Punk - loud and crazy kids

10. Techno/House/Dance - feels good. pulsating beat makes you move even if you don't want to. Known in Gay clubs. Can be annoying if you hear it too much.

Thanks for answering, everyone! Remember, this is just an opinion survey. Please don't take offense to it.


The quote are not my words.

My list is MY OPINION...

Overall, there IS something to be appreciated in every type of music and like I stated before, it's my opinion so don't be offensive......geez. Some people need to take a chill pill...

17 Answers

  • ???
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i'm guessing you're a rap fan? lol here's mine:

    1.rock (as in classic)-often roudy, drug use back in the day (some still, not always), motorcycles/bikers, talented guitarists.

    2.rap/hiphop-degrading to women (not always), materialistic values (diamonds, money, etc)

    3.R&B-soulful, talented singers, old and classic(aretha franklin, etc)

    4.opera-old fashioned and classic, though I don't like it so much lol."all american"

    6.blues-soulful and deep, about feelings

    7.alternative-creative and different, not mainstream (hence the name)

    8. grunge-kind of like alternative, only 90's style

    9.punk-rebellious, loud, sort of like alternative only more extreme

    10.techno/house/dance- gives me headaches lol. some is good though.

    edit: you forgot one important one: Pop :D

    11.pop: popular and mainstream, was good when the original artists were active, until Britney and Nsync turned it into teeny bopper music. Michael Jackson is king and pop music died when he left us ='(.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think people should base their opinions on stereotypes. I don't like rap, but that's because I'm just not interested in it, not because of any stereotype of drugs or violence.

    1. I love Classic Rock. sure there may be drug promotion, but there are quite a few more of them about love, not drugs or alcohol or women. LOVE

    2. I'm not interested in rap or hip hop, thought there are a few songs that stand out.

    3.I haven't heard much of R&B but it does seem to present love, which I enjoy. I like the types of music with a beautiful story.

    4. I never really liked opera. I have a hard time understanding it.

    5.I agree with you about the country stuff- no feeling

    6. blues- may be about sad stories, but they have really cool instruments and styles of playing.

    7. I don't like alternative... gives me a headache and I can't hear what they are saying.

    8. I've never heard of grunge...

    9. Too loud, and it seems to be a rip off of good, pure rock. Punk seems to me like a bunch of rock-wanna-be's that think they know what rock is... and it's not punk.

    10. I love techno/dance! I always feel like dancing, even though I'm usually trapped in a car.

    Well, that's how I feel.

  • 1. Rock promotes nothing but enjoyable music.

    2. No rap. Period.

    3. Kinda sad, but useful.

    4. Nope.

    5. No country either.

    7. Alternative is cool, just for rocking around.

    8. The heart and soul of all music. I love grunge.

    9. Punk is cool.

    10. Techno is good for parties.

    That's all I have to say.


  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1. Rock- love it!!

    2. Rap/Hip Hop- like/love it too :]

    3. R&B- its ok... sometimes

    4. Opera....yes Opera!- not that into it..

    5. Country- its alright but i dnt LOVE it

    6. Blues- ehh dnt listen to it that much

    7. Alternative- love it!! :]

    8. Grunge- wait say what?

    9. Punk- its ok

    10. Techno/House/Dance- best music! haha :]


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Music doesn't influence my actions one bit.

    Yes, it influences my emotions, such as listening to a slow quiet song can cause me to feel sadness or feel more thoughtful about things in my life, while a faster or angrier song can cause me to feel angered or worked up and energetic.

    I also don't pay attention to genres. As far as I am concerned, music is emotion and art, and is not designed to be placed into a genre.

    If I am to listen to a "rock" song, I do not get a sudden impulse to go whore myself out for a vile of crack cocaine.

    Seeing as I do not classify music under genres, I cannot answer your list.

  • alissa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't think any type of music influences people to be disrespectful toward women, do drugs or any other kind of behavior that would be considered "bad" in today's society. People can and do make their own decisions. Music has nothing to do with it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I prefer rock, 80's music, some techno.

    I'm not much of a fan about the other kinds of music.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rap sux

    Pop sux

    RnB sux

    Country Sux

    Alternative is alright

    Grunge good

    Techno ehh

    Metal :)

    Rock not soo much

    But no music doesnt influence me, maybe impressionable ppl, but 4 me no.

    Traditional Irish music :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Pop: C Rock: A Metal: C Rap: C R&B: D Reggae: B Country: C Jazz: D Techno: A Salsa: B Reggaeton': B Classical: C Opera: C

  • Tigger
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I LOve Rock and Roll

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