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What celeb do you share a birthday with?

Me June 8.

Stupid *** Kanye West

Barbara Bush

Joan Rivers

Keenan-Ivory Wayans

Jerry Stiller (Ben Stiller's dad. Love Ben)

Nancy Sinatra

Maria Menounus

That's all I know.....


Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Kanye. I just don't like when he does things to take someones spotlight. Yes he is arrogant, yes he can be rude, but he is a Gemini and we tend to speak our minds at any given moment whether it be harsh, sweet, or unnessary. We feel things and can't hold that crap in. That's why we get the title of being *******. Look the way I see it, better out than in!! I know I can get arrogant and fly at the mouth and my cousin always warns me not to get "loose lipped". I just smirk and try my best, but I am not the type to bite my tongue. I wouldn't have one if I made that routine!! So I feel Kanye, but at the same time he has to know that there is a time and place to express your feelings without stealing someones time to shine.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Debbie Rowe

    Source(s): HOLLA!
  • 1 decade ago

    May 10


    Kenan Thompson

  • 1 decade ago

    If U make me decide for one of your list, I would decide to go with Kanye West, because I love his music and I feel he is really funny. I know that he is an arrogant and a jackass, yes, because he did many wrong things. But if we take away all that (because remember that he loss his mother recently) I think it could be a good person to have in my birthday

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My birthday is January 11

    I share birthdays with:

    Mary J. Blige

    Christine Kaufmann

    Kim Coles

    Stanley Tucci

    Deanna Wright

    People of that nature.

  • John Stamos (Full House used to be my favorite show)

    Lil' Romeo

    On the bright side my Birthday is 10 days before Michael Jackson's and 3 days after Madonna's =DDDDDDDDDD

    Source(s): damn thats boring xD
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    September the 10th - Colin Firth & Guy Richie

  • 1 decade ago

    August 11

    Hulk Hogan Baby!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hilary Duff :-p (September 28)

  • 1 decade ago

    September 4th.

    Dr. Drew & Beyonce. xD

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