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Beebop! asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 1 decade ago

What sign do you think I may be most compatable with?

Here's my chart:

Sun - Gemini - direct

Moon - Cancer - direct

Mercury - Gemini - direct

Venus - Cancer - direct

Mars - Leo - direct

Jupiter - Cancer - direct

Saturn - Leo - direct

Uranus - Scorpio - retrograde

Neptune - Sagittarius - retrograde

Pluto - Libra - retrograde

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Certainly Cancer - You have Moon, Venus and Jupiter there. Main thing is you don't have Saturn there as that would be the only planet which could affect your compatablity with them.

    Libra(Especially if their Sun is near your Pluto) - You have Pluto in Libra. Gemini normally gets on with Aries but we tend to try to change the star sign opposite to our Pluto.

    Aries is the opposite sign of Libra. Capricorn is also opposite to Libra because Libra is a masculine sign ruled by a light planet while Capricorn is a feminine sign ruled by a very heavy planet. Capricorns are not normally Gemini's favourites anyway.

    Perhaps you would get on with a Sagittarius too.

    Source(s): Libra
  • 1 decade ago

    Other air signs.

    Libras and Aquariuses.

    If you're a male you're attracted to Cancers too, if you're a female you're attracted to Leos. (Your descendant also tells you who you're attracted to).

    Source(s): Scorp
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