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  • To what extent does lowering fermatation temperature of red wine from 25 degrees C to 15 degrees C effect how long it takes to ferment?

    My homebrew kit says it takes 7-10 days at 25-30 C. My house averages 15 C and its already taken 16 days and airlock activity has not showed any significant signs of slowing down. Its difficult for me to tell as it speeds up and slows down a lot. The fermentor is against the radiator to keep warm, but when I'm at work I turn off the heating to save money, and the outside temperature can be as low as 2. Well it is only March I suppose. The house never gets that cold though. Its a fairly warm house which doesn't lose heat quick. Im just hoping for some finish product sometime before Christmas lol

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits6 years ago
  • Is this selfish of me? Your opinion Libra and Taurus?

    My partner of over two years likes me to come to bed when he does (He is a Taurus). I'm off work today and tomorrow and start a new job on tuesday (I'm a Libra). On the other hand he has been off work for a couple of days and needs to be awake in 3 hours from now. I am unable to sleep and because I am off work tomorrow I want to stay up and drink wine. I told him to go to sleep and that I am ok but I cannot sleep. He finds it hard to sleep without me in bed and is angry that I am not in bed. He always comes to bed when I am going to bed (eventhough I tell him he does not have to). I do prefer him to come to bed with me obviously though. Most nights I come to bed when he wants to come to bed, but about once per week I like to stay up. I drink a lot when I am off work the next day. I give him lots of attention, but it keeps him awake if I do not come to bed.

    5 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Is this selfish? Your opinion?

    My partner of over two years likes me to come to bed when he does. I'm off work today and tomorrow and start a new job on tuesday. On the other hand he has been off work for a couple of days and needs to be awake in 3 hours from now. I am unable to sleep and because I am off work tomorrow I want to stay up and drink wine. I told him to go to sleep and that I am ok but I cannot sleep. He finds it hard to sleep without me in bed and is angry that I am not in bed. He always comes to bed when I am going to bed (eventhough I tell him he does not have to). I do prefer him to come to bed with me obviously though. Most nights I come to bed when he wants to come to bed, but about once per week I like to stay up. I drink a lot when I am off work the next day. I give him lots of attention, but it keeps him awake if I do not come to bed.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Painful foot after driving?

    The pain is at the bottom of my shin bone and the upper surface of my foot near when the shin joins to the foot. I first noticed the pain a few weeks ago when driving When I first noticed it it was only a slight pain. I do a lot of commuting to work. When I flex my foot upwards to press the clutch or break pedal in the car I was getting the pain. However now my foot is painful all the time (even when I am not moving it and it is beginning to get swollen). I suspect that driving has caused this, but I have no choice but to drive to work. I have adjusted my seat so that I am as far from the pedals as I can possibly drive safely at to reduce this movement with my foot, however the pain is still getting worse and worse.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • How long does it take to get from Birmingham to Nottingham in the Rush Hour?

    My house is in southwest Birmingham and I have to go to Nottingham City Hospital, North Nottingha. It says 1 hour 27 minutes on the AA route planner and 1hr 29 minutes on my sat nav.

    I have done this journey before and it took over two hours. This was not because it was rush hour. There were traffic calming measures due to adverse weather. However I'm sure that 1 hour 27 minutes means its that when the roads are crystal clear and you can drive the full speed limit all the way. How would this time change when adapted to leaving the house at 7am? Could I get to Nottingham City Hopsital by quarter to 9?

    1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom8 years ago
  • Which US States drinks the most alcohol per capita?

    I am from the UK and would like to know about how the attitude and culture around alcohol comsumption varies between the different states in the USA. I beleive the drinking age is 21 in some states, but lower than 21 in others? Does relgion in America influence how much people drink and in turn does that affect drinking habits in different states?

    I assume there is much more variation between regions than there is in the UK, because the UK drinking age is 18 wherever you go, and the UK is mostly secular and there is no pattern of having certain religions in different areas.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Hard boney growth at anterior aspect of radial head?

    What could this be? It covers a small area but sticks out a lot. I also have pain down the palmer aspect of the 1st metacarpal and it is painful when i move my thumb. The head of radius feels jagged, knobly and gives me a dull aching sensation. The same area on the contralateral side feels normal and I have had no pain there. I had pain in a similar area 6 months ago. I'm not sure when the bump started or whether I have always had it as I only felt it last night because my wrist really hurt. I do a lot of repetative movements with my wrist at work and I'm right handed and its on my right side. I do not know if that is anything to do with the hard boney bump though.

    1 AnswerMedicine8 years ago
  • Low moon alchohol induced, chemical or due to circumstances?

    I have been feeling a bit down on an evening lately. I have been like this a few times so I have drank alcohol on an evening to cheer me up. However as it makes you feel more depressed the following day I stopped drinking 4 days ago as I did feel pretty low and was scared by it as I had not felt this rubbish in a long time. However in the last four days my mood on an evening has not lifted and I would have thought the alcohol withdrawl affects would have gone by now. On a morning I usually feel fine. I am fine if I go out and do something whether day or night. The problem is I do not have a lot of motivation to do anything in the first place. I am tired quite a lot of the time. I recently passed by university degree (10th September) after a very hard struggle and two resits, and now the only thing I have to is look for jobs. I miss not having a specific goal and feel insecure now not knowing where I will be working or what I will be doing in a year from now. I am seeing someone at my old university every week to help me with my application forms and I have started to get job interviews for my chosen career, but after all that hard work I just don't feel so exited any more, but know I need to find work as soon as possible because I am feeling very fed up. I recently did have a lot of celebrations and parties and lately things have been quiet and I have just felt bored with everything. That is why I was drinking.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Alchohol seems to have no effect on me?

    Does anyone know what the problem might be when I can drink over 6 litres of beer in less than 5 hours and still feel sobre? I have recently also drank a 75cl bottle of 35% alchol vodka in one night and my friends who were drinking the same all fell asleep but I was not even drunk. I would have needed to drink two of them, Why am I like this? It just does not touch the sides- even if I give up alchohol for a long time.

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • If Christians live by the anti-gay Biblical verses, how come they do pay any attention to the sexist ones?

    Ok before I start I'm not critising all Christians as some more liberal ones say the Bible actually teaches tolerance and words may have changed over the years in translation. I'm referring more to those in the Bible Belt.

    This is a shocking anti gay quote from the Bible which recommends capital punishment for homosexuality:

    Lev 20:13 "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death."

    These are two even more shocking quotes from the Bible which point to female inferiority and I cannot name any Christian country which would adopt these values:

    I Corinthians 11:8-9

    "For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man."

    Deuteronomy 22:28-29

    ''If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.''

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Feeling unwell. Any tips or advice?

    I had an exam on wednesday. After the exam the stress had made me so tired that I felt like I'd been awake for a few days. Since then, I've done no more work as I took a break, but I still don't feel motivated. My urine has been dark and strong smelling despite drinking lots of water. The weather has been very hot. Today I have got worse as the day went on and felt increasingly tired and now I am wanting to spend it in bed. I feel very bloated and like I could do with going to the toilet and had a lot of wind, yet I do not need the toilet. When I do go I am not constipated. I am very hungry all the time and eating plenty, but after food I feel sick. Has anyone got any suggestions that might make me feel better or any ideas about what it might be?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • How to get more motivation?

    I'm 28 years old, but sometimes I feel more like I'm 68. I feel tired and worn out all the time, constantly under stress. My life has been very stressful, but now I feel worn out and stressed even when I'm not doing anything.

    I am in my last year of university, and it has been very full on. I am doing a vocational degree and fifty percent of my course is spent on placement. It has been like a 3 year job interview under pressure, and I finally passed my final placement, but instead of being over the moon and exited about finishing, I am just brooding over all the things I still have to complete rather than doing them, eventhough there is not much left to do now and it should be easy as long as I get on with things.

    I still have to sort out my portfolio and I have a couple of resits to prepare for. However I cannot seem to get the exitement I had at the beginning of the course any more. I find it even difficult to get out of bed and get a shave or get ready. The more I think about it being important, the harder it is to do. I really had to push myself to get this far, but I just want to know some tips about how to cope under pressure and how to be more self motivated, which I have been, but it is just always a struggle and its no fun feeling fed up most of the time. I have worked very hard and began with lots of ambition, but now I have nearlly acheived it all the 3 years of putting pressure on myself seems to have taken its toll.

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Any way to take poppers (isobutyl nitrate) without inhaling them? (Been giving me a chesty cough)?

    I love poppers. I'm a bit addicted to them (not for sex, but just to get the high). I've been rolling cigarettes from tissue paper and dipping them in poppers and sucking on the end to get high. Been doing it for a while. However when I do it I have a bad chest for up to a week afterwards. Like a tight chest and then it turns into a mucous cough. I do not want to stop taking poppers, but obviously will have to if it keeps affecting my chest.

    What would happen if you used a tampon and took the poppers per rectum (in like an enema) (I mean if you dipped the tampon in the bottle and then put it inside your anus? I have never heard of anyone doing this. (Obviously just trying a tiny bit first and then if my body does not go banannas, a bit more). Has anyone done this?

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • Why do I always get reflux and heartburn when I have a chest cold?

    Can a cold in the trachea affect the esophagus as well or something? I know that reflux can cause aspiration which can cause chest infections. However whenever I have a chesty cough I always get reflux. Sometimes I get the cough first and then the reflux comes later. The weather has been very cold this week and I think thats how I caught a cold. However I am now having reflux where I have mini-vomits in the back of my throat all the time. What is the cause of it?

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • What does your Christmas dinner consist of?

    I'm having roast beef with yorkshire pudding for the main

    Afterwards I'm having sherry trifle

    5 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • What signs are selective about who they like?

    I mean they will blank people out who they do not like, not pay any attention to them, and not engage in conversation with them, eventhough it is not due to lack of confidence. I also mean when they do it when the other person has not done anything specifically to upset them, they just have decided to be colder towards that person.

    5 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Do most Aries people you know seem to ooze confidence?

    I just don't get it. They seem to put on this image that they are excellent at everything, and when they make mistakes they are like machine guns trying to talk their way around it, or they blame their shortcomings on other people. Also, emotionally they seem to be like a brick and even when defeated they seem to do this grin and never look like anything bothers them. I've seen one being beaten up before and they got really beaten up and just kept on smiling. I would wonder what the psychology of Aries is and if they are actually more insecure than you think, or if they are just superhyper thick skinned? I've noticed they argue back if you say anything negative about them too, and they will say negative things about you unless they see you as a threat, and then they will suck up to you. Everything seems to be about winning a game and they seem to be such good actors. I have met a few who are more human shall I say and do not fit my description, but I've noticed with these people I've described, most of them I know are Aries.

    8 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Do you think there are two kinds of every sign, a nice type and a dark type?

    Please give your examples:

    I've just noticed that in every sign there seems to be a clear division between the good people and those who are a pain in the neck to get along with. It seems that often, the good people in a zodiac sign do not even tend to possess many of the bad traits of their sign at all, while the bad type seem to harbour all of them! When people decribe a sign and say what is good about them, and then what is bad about them, do you think they are really describing two different people who both share that zodiac? Its like people seem to be either exactly like the the bad description of their sign, or not at all like it.

    For example I know two types of Virgos. One kind is fussy, critical, always stressed out, and a bit of a goody two shoes, sometimes snobby. The other kind of Virgo is so sweet, non-judgemental, likes to make other people around them laugh, broad minded, and a good teacher/mentor who is wise but shows a lot of humility and humbleness.

    I know two kinds of Cancers. One is a caring gentle sort who shows unflinching love and commitment towards family and will bend over backwards to help someone. The other type is moody - (at family as well), always losing their rag, holding grudges and being judgemental and unforgiving, self rightous, takes things the wrong way and defensive.

    7 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Is smoking beneficial for depression?

    I used to suffer from depression and anxiety. I am a smoker. I suscessfully gave up smoking while I took antidepressants, but a year later i started again. Eventhough I was on antidepressants, I noticed my mood drop when I gave up smoking, but after 3 months of non smoking it was back to normal.

    However I came off my antidepressants in June, and gave up smoking again in August. Coming off the antidepressants did not make me too bad, what made me the most depressed was giving up the smoking 2 months later. I did wait until November, but I my depression did not lift. It kept coming and going, and I'd be depressed for a week, then have a week when I felt ok, but by mid November my depressions were just as bad as they were when I first quit, and I lost all motivation to continue not smoking, started smoking again and got instant releif from my depression. It seems that I cannot manage without my antidepressants unless I smoke.

    My mother suffers from bipolar and does not do very well at giving up smoking either. She just cannot do it, while my father is very mentally stable and has never been depressed in his life. He used to smoke a lot, and just quit easily, he started smoking again several times and quit each time. He just stops and starts when he wants!

    5 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Poll: Which of these is acceptable to you in a relationship?

    Poll: Which of these is acceptable to you in a relationship?

    1. Having relationships with others when you are in a relationship and not telling your partner

    2. Having relationships with others when you are in a relationship but being open about it

    3. Having one off sexual encounters/one night stands with others and keeping it secretive

    4. Having one off sexual encounters/one night stands with others and being open about it

    5. Having one off cam to cam (webcam fun) with people over the internet and keeping it a secret

    6. Having one off cam to cam (webcam fun) with other people over the internet and being open

    7. Watching pornography with your partner

    8. Watching pornography in private when in a relationship

    9. Flirting with others when you are in a relationship but having no intentions of having sex with them

    10. Having sexual thoughts about other people when you are in a relationship

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago