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Do most Aries people you know seem to ooze confidence?

I just don't get it. They seem to put on this image that they are excellent at everything, and when they make mistakes they are like machine guns trying to talk their way around it, or they blame their shortcomings on other people. Also, emotionally they seem to be like a brick and even when defeated they seem to do this grin and never look like anything bothers them. I've seen one being beaten up before and they got really beaten up and just kept on smiling. I would wonder what the psychology of Aries is and if they are actually more insecure than you think, or if they are just superhyper thick skinned? I've noticed they argue back if you say anything negative about them too, and they will say negative things about you unless they see you as a threat, and then they will suck up to you. Everything seems to be about winning a game and they seem to be such good actors. I have met a few who are more human shall I say and do not fit my description, but I've noticed with these people I've described, most of them I know are Aries.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Robert, how are you?

    Well strange Arians you have met. I met a lot of Aries people that would really go down. I think it's hard to see them down, but they can really be down and when they are down, it's not even a nice thing to see.

    They are not insecure, it's they set their expectations so high into something and push themselves so hard to achieve something that when they fail they get profoundly deluded, however they show their delusions with irritability. I have seen sad Aries before, but yeah they don't cry like an Air sign would LOL, but they get quite angry/bitter, that is understandable, but I guess if you give them a push they are back on track.

    I have never upset an Aries before, but I have been upset by an Aries before, because I felt betrayed by them, I just stopped talking to them and they apologized later on in the years.

    I think Arians are easier to read than most other signs, I think a good actor would be a water sign, but not a fire sign, fire signs have emotions printed all over their faces and body, whereas water signs are more subtle, what you see is what you get with a fire sign, this is very different by water signs, although you can see them too.

    Fire signs have their words matching their actions, whereas water signs have their words mismatching their actions, so that is what I say is confusing. :)

    Aries get very stressed and they are humans after all!!

    Just forgive them and move on :) xxx (hugs)

  • 8 years ago

    Haha,yes the younger Aries either female or male act in that manner.The girl Aries I know is aggressive and acts like she's the ****.My ex when he was young showed the same qualities but he knew how to walk the talk as he got older he seems to have matured.Just in general Aries gives confident stance when entering a room.It depends I've met humble Aries,snobby Aries,aggressive Aries,emotional Aries somehow Thier all different.

    Source(s): Cancer
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    im not an aries, im a cap. but i do have an aries moon...and i am kind of how you explained but i dont put myself out there like some aries haha i hate being wrong, i hate loosing, i feel like i have to be the best at everything, am i? of course not. i dont blame my shortcomings on people, i always blame myself. there have been times where i feel down because im wrong or done something wrong. but i go by this quote - "ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying down that's wrong.” so there's nothing wrong with having confidence in yourself

  • -
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Aries are not all super confident or especially insecure, they just "are."

    Aries= I am.

    If they feel negative, they stir. If they feel happy things, they are excited. If neutral, maybe they're calm or some get bored. Those are just examples.

    I don't get bored however when I am neutral there's always something poking at me and calling me into action. Aries sun Venus mars, Taurus moon, Pisces rising

    What I don't like about Aries is when they're not satisfied they keep taking jabs to provoke you

  • 8 years ago

    That is the way i am. Wow, I'm not Aries though. Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Taurus rising. But that's how i act. I'm super confident on the outside, but sensitive and defensive.

  • 8 years ago

    hahah totally, my mom is like that, my other ex is like that, and the exes with moon in aries are like that with their emotions :') fml.

    to understand a sign you must be that sign. I think you can evaluate someones actions but you will never find out the trigger, whats causing them to be like that. its their own defend mechanism that you and i will not understand. They are very good people though, thats my own view on them, i do admire them and respect them. Its their way of living, no-one except them will understand that.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    i find the confident aries are usually the younger ones, when they're older or more matured they seem to be pretty laid back

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No they seem to ooze ''insecurity''

    Source(s): Virgo
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