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Robert84 asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

Is smoking beneficial for depression?

I used to suffer from depression and anxiety. I am a smoker. I suscessfully gave up smoking while I took antidepressants, but a year later i started again. Eventhough I was on antidepressants, I noticed my mood drop when I gave up smoking, but after 3 months of non smoking it was back to normal.

However I came off my antidepressants in June, and gave up smoking again in August. Coming off the antidepressants did not make me too bad, what made me the most depressed was giving up the smoking 2 months later. I did wait until November, but I my depression did not lift. It kept coming and going, and I'd be depressed for a week, then have a week when I felt ok, but by mid November my depressions were just as bad as they were when I first quit, and I lost all motivation to continue not smoking, started smoking again and got instant releif from my depression. It seems that I cannot manage without my antidepressants unless I smoke.

My mother suffers from bipolar and does not do very well at giving up smoking either. She just cannot do it, while my father is very mentally stable and has never been depressed in his life. He used to smoke a lot, and just quit easily, he started smoking again several times and quit each time. He just stops and starts when he wants!

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Smoking marijuana would help, it has medical uses that benefit many illnesses... Look up on the internet the good it does for what ails you... I smoke marijuana for migraines & depression... It also has less side effects than pharmacuticals & kills less brain cells than the rumors spread about it, in fact microwave popcorn kills more brain cells...

    Source(s): My doctor
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No. Marijuana actually weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. Medicinal marijuana is really only meant for persons with severe illnesses, such as cancer, where the need to alleviate the pain and loss of appetite caused by the illness outweighs the detrimental effect on the patient's immune system. If you have bronchitis, you need your doctor to get you on a course of anti-biotics. Make sure you take the whole course, as prescribed, don't just stop when you start to feel better, as you may not have killed off all of the bacteria causing the infection, and then the bronchitis will come back, only resistant to bacteria.

  • "[S]moking has antidepressant properties. Nicotine in cigarette smoke is known to relieve anxiety and anger in stressful situations. It is a stimulant, and it improves cognitive performance and focused attention" says oxford, apparently.

    tobacco + nicotine boost so many things, in my opinion. nicotine sparks creativity, dampens irritability, and suppresses hunger. i'd use an e-cigarette to save my lungs, but smoking just feels too nice.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My dad used to smoke due to depression and stress he passed away three years ago due to massive heart attack so no it is not beneficial

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  • 8 years ago

    not its is harmful in all ways, and to your surprise i will tell that it increases dipression, medically proved fact.

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