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Beebop! asked in Pregnancy & ParentingBaby Names · 1 decade ago

Do you think baby names now a days are?

just tooooooo unique. To the point were they don't make any sense and the parents are not considering the child's future (being teased or how it looks on their resume' and not being able to pronounce it correctly by ANYONE. All trying to be different......your thoughts?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sometimes, but it's more towards the people who spell their kids names incorrectly on purpose and think it's cute or unique. Madisyn, Rylee, Morgynn...those names are all just stupid. If you're going to give your kid a unique name, go for it and make sure they are the only child in their grade with that name, not just some different tacky spelling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Never seemed to bother people 50, hell, even 30 years ago about how yooneek their child's name was. Personality would distinguish them.

    There have been cultural shifts. Some good - such as the elimination of "children should be seen, not heard" - and some not so good, such as the concept that your child is the center of the universe and should be treated as such. That's why helicopter parenting exists. That's why parents sue teachers when their child fails for not doing their work. The mentality is now "my child is a preshuss youneek snowflake ACKNOWLEDGE HIM!"

    Thusly come the yooneek names. Because personality simply isn't enough.

  • :)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    People don't realize that CHILDERN are unique not there names. A girl named Sarah or Jennifer could be just as unique as a girl named Ryan or Layleea. When you TRY to be different its not original any more just tacky. I'm all for "different" names but, that doesn't include wacky spelling, embarassing, or just plan nasty.

    ETA: I LOVE THE COMENTS ABOUT "YOUNEEK" (the caps were needed to show I'm laughing)!

  • 1 decade ago

    well i am looking for baby names and i come on here alot and browse around for suggestions, and to me all the new and trendy names are tooo similar maybe--- or maybe it jsut seems like all the names are the same, the new and unique names are no longer unique bc everyone is using them--- and as much as i hate the simple names it makes me want to name my child something simple like john or mike just because that will be the unique name in a class of 30, because everyones name is bentley or nevaeh, you know what i mean.

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems to me that children are making up names for babies like most would for a kitten or a puppy!Maybe cause sadly so many little girls are getting pregnant?Why isn't someone in jail for statutory rape and why are children being allowed to draw welfare on babies when they are still babies themselves?If you cut off the money maybe they would stop tramping around and finish school and be something besides welfare parasites breeding and giving birth to more welfare parasites,they are too dumb to know that their made up non names are just plain retarded!Sorry just my opinion but its so vulgar that children are having sex and people think nothing of babies being born outside of marriage anymore,the whole family has been ripped apart and there is nothing but trash in its place!God help us all especially the unwanted,unprotected babies!

    Source(s): common sense and i love children and they deserve better!
  • 1 decade ago

    Yea I think your right about that. Some names are unique but are cute at the smae time. But sometimes parents get too carried away I think

  • 1 decade ago

    Some are alright, though i have been answering some baby name questions today and wow!! these poor kids!!!! I'm all for being different but have some logical consideration when picking names for your children:)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. I HATE it when people call me Kristen, when my name is actually Kirsten. My parents actually thought before naming me (my name is my mom's maiden name) but some names these days are too stupid, unique, or childish!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. I feel very very bad for a lot of these kids. I have a normal name, and I'm a unique person. :)

  • lol some are cute, but really now some or juz riducolous, they like mix up words like, lashavia. reaaly why is the word shave in there!?

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