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Beebop! asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 1 decade ago

Is anyone in a Gemini/Pisces relationship?

How is it going? What are your ups and downs. What bothers you? What is your sign and gender? I am the Gemini female....

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok I have to admit being a fish man and I find Gemini ladies attractive. When I was 16 I went out out with a gem girl and she broke my heart, later from 21 to 25 I went out with another and lived with her and she was unfaithful and broke my heart. Then in the last 4 months I met a lovely women and she told me her star sign and my head sank low. You see since I was 25 I made a promise to myself that I would not date a gem even of she was the last women on earth. Well foolishly I did as I really liked her, I though Nope I am not gonna tar and feather people with astrology. And now after 4 very up and down months I broke it off with her.

    Basically I am a heart, I am very sensitive and almost empathic and the gem women is a walking brain, she thinks then when she's worked it out she then says it ok to feel, but that can take days and days to fit into her hectic mental scramble. As a fish man I need a deep almost spiritual feeling and the gem's I have dated really true want that too but they have to dot the I and cross the T first, firstly it must be understood where as the pisces is a romantic wally. Basically If a fish ask how she feels , the gem tells him what she thinks and never the twain shall meet. I am really sorry but Air (Gemini) does very odd things to water, when you watch what air can do to water it changes its moods from second to second, watch the wind on a lake it sends it this way and that and eventually the fish needs to know that it is safe and secure and the Gemini needs to be out using its quick mental faculties, I wish you look but I think your need more than this sweet heart. Needless to say sex is great but you can't maintain a relationship on sex alone.. You need a leo or Sag would be Perfect, and he needs a Scorpio or Taurus to ground him

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Pisces girl with a Capricorn boy now but I used to be with a Gemini boy [didn't work] thought it would because he was somewhat romantic, but I, the Pisces, was far too emotional for his flirtatious ways. In general, Gemini tend to run over us Pisces, thinking we are the same but we're completely different and what you say ALWAYS matters to us.

    If you want to make it work with a Pisces, adore him, ask him how he's doing and occasionally [and by that I mean often] ask him if he's okay or if anything is bothering him. The gesture will mean a million.

  • 1 decade ago

    My roommate is a Gemini and I'm a Pisces. It's weird - we don't really have a lot in common, but we get along well. Well, when I see him that is...

  • 1 decade ago

    wow @ MANCHESTER BOY. your story resembles mine a lil, my male best friend is a Picses, & ima Gemini. we are very platonic he is very clingy, I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART but i could never be with him like that...he'd drive me crazy lol. I think its because most Gem girls i know are i wouldnt say tom boyish but arent exactly girly girl, so when things get to mushy its a lil sickening lol idk.I have talked to a picses male in the past was like being in a movie. We would stare at eachother everyday for like 4 weeks straight, i wish we kept it that way, he broke my heart over...and over again lol. we played alot of games towards 1 another. Theirs another picses guy whose been tryna pursue me, he's a true ladies man but i may give him a go :)

    Source(s): experience
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