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what are some signs that point to "he's not in to you"?

...or is! i mean i know the obvious ones but...

its been a few weeks (like almost the 3 month mark). what should and should not be happening.

From an adult perspective please

**this is not a high school or college type relationship**


doesnt return texts, or phone calls right away. too busy with no schedule change to cater to the relationship. only see him at night (because i work second) never been on a date outside of the house. school takes up time and so does work. when we are together we are cool.

biggest thing is communication and schedule

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    By 3 months if he is serious about his relationship with you and is into you then he should be making time for you and changing around his schedule to spend more time with the two of you.

    I think that's the main one oh and the sooner he wants to show you to his parents means he is serious.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Love operates much like a mirror. There can be no exchange of meaningful substance without sharing. There's no such thing as unrequited love because love must be a completed circuit. If you're looking for signs, I suspect you're not feeling the connection.

    He's not for you if he's...:

    Hanging out with his dog on your birthday

    Massaging his feet during supper at your place

    Showing up for a date smelling of perfume and other signs of a woman's scent

    I wish you'd said something about the time spent together, the quality. Is he attentive? Does he express ongoing concern for your day, your happiness? Is he supportive of your interests and/or responsibilities?

    Relationships seem awfully complicated except when love intervenes for that is the moment when nothing else matters enough to get in the way.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should of met his parents, and co-workers. You should already be out of that new and exciting romantic rush thing. You should know his favorite things. This is usally the time when couples break up bc they ran out of things to say. This is a big test. By 3 months I think it's alright to go on a weekend vacation.

  • 1 decade ago

    3 months and you guys should be having sex oops can i say that??? if you are both into each other if not he is probably not into you.. sorry. if he hasnt called you or isnt concerned with knowing what your doing.. thats a big one if you say your going out to a club or a night on the town and he doesnt ask questions he's not into you.. if he takes you to the movies and doesnt ask you what you want or share any popcorn or drinks with you then he's not into you.. If he just wants to satisfy his needs hmm hmm in bed and then takes off then he is just using you hope this helps.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he never introduces you to his family. Only calls you late at night for company and just has sex and doesn't take you to breakfast. Never buys you a gift. No birthday cards. never involves you in his social circle.these are a few of the red flags to dump the loser.

  • 1 decade ago

    when he ignores ur requirments and has excuses for. . .doesnt ve much time. . forgets ur birthday. . doesnt pay attention to ur dress make up etc and gives a formal remark. . .avoids u in bed. . .going out with u. . .and many more which a wamans instinct may detect well

  • 1 decade ago

    more details are needed to really give a good answer. What are some things you feel are missing? Or what is happening that you feel should not be happening?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He looks at other girls while you talk to him

    He is too busy to be around you

    He gets bored around you

    You are putting more into the relationship than he is...

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree we need to know more details to answer... your lack of details tells me that ur afraid to even say becuase you already know the truth. my advice look at the situation in 3rd person view and see what you come up with.... if you want answers we really need more info tho.

  • 1 decade ago

    when he gives you that ewwww look

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