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I am researching the effects of bullying on victims of bullies..?

If you or someone you know has been bullied, How did it effect them?or can you give me some good LEGITIMATE websites about this topic?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay i don't know if this is what you're looking for but

    I'm kinda being bullied

    I'm kind of like a punk/mosher (or emo as some people would call it :l)

    And basically I'm in a form that dispises rock music and stuff like that only a few members of my form like me and the other day I was in my art lesson in a seating plan with people that hate me and they were trying to get me to move to different places on the table so they wouldnt have to sit with me, in drama nobody wants our little group to perform because its boring and nobody likes us and it leaves me embarresed and tired I find myself begging our teacher for us not to perform because I'm sick of hearing 'sighs' from the audience it makes me feel worthless, I have friends outside of lessons and in our lil gang lol but the rest of the time everyone just ignores me and it makes me feel left out, i thought i could handle it but once i just broke down at dinner and started crying, my friend told my form teacher and she had a talk with the form but everyone knew it was me so i just got lazy apologys from people that hate me which made me feel even more embarrest.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • Jade
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    'Both bullies and victims feel more negative about school, and persistent bullying may lead to stress and depression. In the year to March 2006 Childline reported that bullying featured in many calls from children talking about suicide. Bullying can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, hopelessness and isolation. Many callers to Childline say they are self harming. There are effects on school work too. Children miss lessons or are too scared to attend school. They lose concentration when they do attend.

    Some of the effects last long after the bullying, until they are adults. HMI in one study found adults who said that they still recalled bullying incidents from thirty years ago and considered that the effects remain with them.

    Being a person who is present when another is bullied has an effect on the bystander too. They feel compromised, helpless and guilty (ChildLine).

    Children can be both bullies and victims, and those adopting both roles are often ones with the most significant behavioural problems (Wolke, 2000).

    Childline discovered that 15% of primary children surveyed and 12% of secondary pupils had both bullied and been bullied in the past year.'

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello I was bullied when i was 11. It can cause self harm, low self esteem, and even suicide. The first two I have, i've attempted suicide before because of the pressure and pain of bullying. You can go ahead and email me and I can give you some more info if you want. Its in my profile page.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i think they could desire to be held responsible one hundred% for any injury achieved or brought about. Bullies think of they're one-upping themselves to their "weaker" friends, yet they're only hurting themselves. The sufferers (those that have survived :( ) are people who finally end up extra effective than the bullies, through fact they have discovered self-cost and protection. i've got been verbally bullied and cyberbullied many situations. that's something that all of us adventure. From the way I see it, bullies are only susceptible, valueless people who have been raised by using careless mom and dad. they do no longer understand what that's prefer to have a coronary heart, and that they could by no skill understand something from yet somebody else's view. i'm hoping all of them strengthen as much as be janitors at mcdonalds, or in the event that they're fortunate adequate, a Walmart cashier. Why do human beings bully?? it is not humorous, it does not help them, that's does not cause them to good issues in existence. It screws them, and that they attempt to coach their very own valueless products of existence into something bigger by using bullying their friends. I heavily hate it. i intend to make a international-huge petition to acknowledge the seriousness of bullying. do you recognize what I hate maximum? (and you may upload this on your paper): Bullies do no longer even understand that they are bullies. We watch movies at college approximately bullying, however the bullies interior the room think of they're thoroughly harmless, only through fact they think of they do no longer evaluate to the extra vicious issues we see on video. "Be the exchange you desire to work out interior the international"-- that quote real there is what retains me going. i prefer to be a great guy or woman whilst i'm older: help human beings in Haiti, volunteer at a humane society, and maximum severely, help sufferers of bullying. provide up BULLYING!! i myself desire I helped including your paper, sturdy success. :)

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