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why does everyone hate Fred durst from limp bizkit?
alright so like i really really like Fred durst from the band limp bizkit.everyone seems to really hate him for some reason or reasons.if anyone knows any reason that he is hated or all the reasons plzzz tell me.i mean he is a good singer and screamer/rapper and makes good music just give me answers plzzz lol
6 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
If you've ever seen concert footage or seen hime in interviews, he is a huge ego maniac.
- Anonymous5 years ago
Because Fred Durst doesn't enjoy a good cup of coffee.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I don't hate him. How could I? I don't know him. Sounds like there are a lot of haters around.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
go on youtube and u will find out lol
Source(s): "keep posin, posin, posin, WHAT?!" ;)