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In your opinion, Will Media Matters admit that Philadelphia ACORN lied to them and print the truth?

Yes, another video has appeared, the one made in Philadelphia.


For a month, it has supposedly been the settled truth that a similar attempt by O'Keefe and Giles in Philadelphia had failed miserably, and that the pair were "thrown out" of ACORN's office there. ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis said so on CNN. The Philadelphia Daily News's David Gambacorta reported that "they were apparently shown the door." Others playing or parroting ACORN's assertions included the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Washington Post, NPR, and the New York Times.

The press should have suspected that another shoe might drop in Philly, as ACORN made similar assertions about the pair's visits in New York and San Diego after the Baltimore and Washington vids premiered that were quickly proven utterly false. But if there was any skepticism, it was well-hidden.

Here's your link to the video itself (and an excerpt):

**UPDATE 2:24 PM EST** We muted the audio of the ACORN employees on the video released today due to ACORN’s legal attack upon us. We call upon ACORN to state publicly now that it has no objection to the public release of any its employees oral statements to us. If they are interested in the truth, why wouldn’t they do so?

Do you think that ACORN will allow the muted portion of this video to be played, since there is "nothing to hide"?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Government has made the decision as of NOV. 1st. to once again, start funding ACORN, prior to any investigations being completed. Not that it mattered as they has past staff and known criminals investigating ACORN anyway. Surprise, surprise. Who would have figured. ACORN wrote the stimulus package along with the Unions. ACORN and their kiddie porn houses are here to stay. Compliments of your government at your expense. Typical left wing radical nut jobs hard at work for Good decent law abiding Americans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are already 14 investigations in 14 different states not including the videos. Granted it was voted on to de-fund ACORN but that was nothing but a ploy to take the light off the subject in hopes it would go away because there were no actual intentions of punishing them. A perfect example since ACORN was de-funded the 1.4 million dollars allotted the New Orleans fire department was instead given to ACORN. I wonder when the next crisis hits the city will ACORN be on the streets rescuing people?

    Do I think ACORN will allow the truth to be told, not a chance in Helll!

  • 1 decade ago


    When Glenn Beck admits that the U.S. has the worst health care system among the advanced nations,

    human caused climate change is real and is threatening all life on the planet

    and the Wall St. bank bailouts ripped off the U.S. tax payers for trillions of dollars only to make the banks richer and give them the power to rip us off for even more.

    Why do Fox "news" and it's minions keep ignoring the man eating tiger in the living room to go after the hamster?

  • booboo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is no way ACORN or any of it's supporters will allow any of this, unless they're told to by a judge. They have been lying through their teeth since day one and they'll never admit it, no matter how many times you prove it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No apology needed from Media Matters; I listened to an uncensored copy on Breitbart, and if anything, it's the uncensored copy that should be worrisome---for James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, as the only untruth is that they were thrown out. If O'Keefe and Giles were telling nothing but the truth, I would be the first to demand an apology from MediaMatters.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know. It will be interesting to see.

    Media Matters actually surprised me by admitting they could not validate any of the racist remarks that Rush supposedly said.

    This is from another poster......

    Karl Frisch, a Senior Fellow at Media Matters, an organization who is " dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation" (from their web site) was a guest on the Stephanie Miller Show yesterday and had the following to say:

    "You know, in fairness to Rush, those racist things were not necessarily accurate. We were never able to find them. We've had people call us trying to find it. We don't know where they came from. They could just be Internet apparitions." He went on to say, and I love this part, "But you know, that being said, anyone who wants to know how racist he is, we're happy to give them other examples." OK, Karl, if you have other example then why did you attack with what you now admit were lies? I know the liberals will still call Limbaugh a racist but we also know they lie about and slander people to destroy them. What do you liberals have to say now?

  • 1 decade ago

    Why should they? A video with ACORN's responses muted out is proof of nothing. The statement regarding ACORN's legal position on the muting is also proof of nothing. There is nothing for Media Matters to rely on here.

  • 1 decade ago

    I knew they couldn't be that bright. Isn't it funny how the liberal rags like CNN, The Daily News and the Inquirer all print the lies that ACORN told simply because ACORN said so? The news is so lopsided now that it's hard to find the truth. Thanks for letting us know.

  • 1 decade ago

    Media Matters is an ultra left wing org and thus will only promote the lie but never admit any thing! God Bless

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Great post! Wake up people we don't have a Free Press anymore! This is a real danger to our republic!

    Beck, Breitbart, and a few others are fighting hard for us. We need to support their efforts in any way we can!

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