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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

How does yahoo answers work?

I'm new and I just need a short tutorial on using yahoo answers. Thank You.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't see why everybody is so mean. You're new and they were once, too.

    Just ignore those people.

    Yahoo Answers is actually very easy to understand and follow. You see those 'Ask' 'Answer' 'Discover' boxes up above? Press 'Ask' to ask a question. It costs 5 points to ask a question. 'Answer' will lead you to a load of questions that are open for you to answer. Answering a question will earn you 2 points, and if your answer gets chosen as 'Best Answer' (commonly known as BA) you will get an extra 10 points!

    Discover is just where you can see what questions are open, resolved and in voting. Voting for an answer earns you 1 point. Also, visiting Yahoo earns you a point. Choosing an answer for your question will give you 3 points! Where can you find this? Just go to 'My Profile' where you can check your status and do your page. There is a little report-card-like green box in 'My Profile' where it says 'Answers' 'Questions' 'Starred Questions' 'My Watchlist' etc. 'Answers' is the questions you recently answered, 'Questions shows your questions you asked, 'Starred Questions' shows all the questions you starred, and Watchlist is like, Bookmarking. You can watch a question. Just click one you'd like to save, then go to 'Save' and there will be a lot of options. Just click 'Add to Watchlist'.

    You can add people too, just click on their profile, or place your pointer over their name where it will show a brief status of them. Under there you can click 'Add to Contacts' to add them. You can see who added you and who you added under 'My Profile'.

    You're done! I hope this helps! Sorry if it was a little long.

    BTW you should have entered this question under the category 'Yahoo! Answers'. There are far more kind people who will provide more information. Polls and Surveys is just a place where people tend to hang out. I just found this question starred under a contact of mine, so yeah. I don't go on P&S a lot.

  • 1 decade ago

    Huh...Its really rude to meet someone new and just assume their stupid because of their picture. I'll help you:

    You see when you go to

    And you see those 3 green bordered boxes at the top of the page under your sign in and the Yahoo Answers logo? If you want to ask a question, (if you havent signed in yet, sign in) click the ask box. If you want to answer some random questions you might know, click answer box. If you want to see all the questions that have been resolved, click discover box. Thats pretty much it. You can click My Profile to set up your profile. The more questions you answer, you get points and move up levels. If you ask more questions, your points get subtracted a little. Thats pretty much how it works.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    So far I had a little trouble. But I am very glad that I stumbled upon this question and these answers, and I've found this section very helpful. Thanks everyone!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, first, you've come to the wrong section for help. You have stumbled upon the delinquent, back-hall, smoking section, after school special section of answers. But since you ask, you ask and we do the least we can do to help you. You're very welcome.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ask and answer thats all its easy press ask if u wanna ask

    something click on the question if u wanna answer it

    its easy

    some people are so mean on here

    i am mean sometimes

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You ask a question we answer or vice versa

    Now try answering one;_ylt=Ag0q....

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