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Zoe asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

I cant tell if im having a missed garaged cause im not even sure if i was pregnant...?

Just about an hour ago i started to feel like i was cramping then like i needed to pee. when i did i spotted blood. i still feel some pain and it gets worst as im about to spot again? whats going on, im i pregnant, am i having a missed carriage

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    what is a garage?? you mean you might be having a miscarriage? you are probably just starting your period, if you are spotting light with cramping...that means that you prob. weren't preg. and it's your normal cycle. if you were pregnant and it was a miscarriage, you'd be bleeding A LOT! I mean a lot a lot. Like if you are having to go to the bathroom and change your tampon or pad (a heavy tampon/pad) every hour-2 hours or less, that's very bad and you need to get to the ER!! so keep an eye out and make sure you're not bleeding to much, but honestly it just sounds to me that you are starting your cycle. good luck

    Source(s): studying to be a labor and delivery nurse, and going off info. MY doctor has told me
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Don't drink or smoke if there may be any danger of being pregnant! Though I do not know why you could smoke (or drink if you're underage) besides! Gaining weight isn't an early being pregnant symptom. Noticeable weight achieve most often does not occur till you're no less than three-four months alongside (you cannot even discover it, if it's your first child). Eat good, Be healthful and take a scan! Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    If I was you I would go to my docotor ASAP. It is common to have a little bit of spotting but not a lot. But I'm not sure about the cramps. If they're getting worse go to the doctor.

    I hope everything is fine.

    Source(s): my mom is a Labor and Delivery nurse
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