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Why do all the male characters in the new Twilight movie seem to not like wearing shirts?

11 Answers

  • prieta
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    its all marketing now is the guys turn usually when you go to see a movie you can see the female butt naked they now a male actor all they show is his upper body now its out time guys sorry

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's only Jacob with his shirt off. And the other werewolves. When they transform into werewolves, their clothes rip off. That's it. Lol@ the pretween twihard thingy. The books dont suck at all and the movies are really not that great but there's a simple reason for why some don't wear shirts and I just gave that reason. It's not because that would make them more "hot." Alot of people here automatically assume without reading the books or anything. Smh.

  • 1 decade ago

    well first of all i am not complaining about seeing them shirtless!!!


    the reason is that most of the new characters are werewolf's! and so when they have to turn into a werewolf the clothes they are wearing rip up! so they wear as little clothes as possible so they don't ruin their clothes!!


    sam- Chaske Spencer

    embry- Kiowa Gordon

    jarred- Bronson Pelletier

    paul- Alex Meraz

    jocob- Taylor Lautner

  • Because when Jacob and his friends morph into werewolves they don't want to have to carry around the shirts in their mouth.

    Source(s): The books.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Because its so lame that they had to find a way to keep all the creepy little pretween twihards interested and not think it sucks.

  • 1 decade ago

    lmao. good question.

    i'm getting a little fed up with all the obsessed fans.

    i mean, i read all the books (loved them) and saw the movie, but i'm not freaking obsessive.


    buela is an interesting name.

  • 1 decade ago


    ♪They're, too sexy for their shirts♪

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because that fag Taylor Lautner likes showing off his eight pack

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Jacob is fr!gg3n h0t!!!!! (;

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it's a simple answer........Because they can!!! XD But seriously they;re gay faaggsss. No offense XD

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