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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 decade ago

Is it true that majority of teenage girls prefer the "Bad Boy" rather than give Sensitive types a chance?

I've heard, on many occasion that a nice, soft guy being rejected by his high school crush just because he isn't "Cool" enough... now, can someone tell me what "Cool" is? Doing drugs? Stealing things? Having sex every week, sometimes every day? How is this considered "Cool"? A nice nerdy type of guy whom could be the sweetest guy in the world would be rejected immediately, but a strong jock who could be the meanest, baddest, abusive guy in the world could get with almost any girl easily... why is this? Can someone clear up this whole predicament?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if most girls would go 4 he sweet guys...then im not most girls


  • 1 decade ago

    No, it has everything to do with confidence. Girls don't want to feel like a guy needs them. It gives them "the icks." The guy starts to feel like a brother or friend. A "bad boy" will flirt but never act needy. He will be very self-confident and act like he could get any girl but doesn't need them, That's what attracts girls to them, not their bad behavior unless the girl is very immature. A nerd that exudes confidence is the sexiest thing around!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The long and short of it is that it boils down to evolution and how humans are programmed and hardwired to find "good genes".

    A woman's attraction to a man is triggered by the following:

    dominance (over her or others); strength (physical, emotional, intellectual); novelty-seeking (adventurous); mental resources (knowledge, leaning ability, analytical ability); physical resources (money, possessions); and lastly looks. I put looks last because women really don't put a high emphasis on that like guys do on girls. You can go down the list of billionaires, athletes, movie stars, musicians, who are physically unattractive but get LOTS of women because of the characteristics I just named above. That being said you don't have to be rich or famous to get an extremely attractive girl. You will need to have confidence and swagger though. Watch any interview with Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, or watch a James Bond movie or Michael Corleone in the Godfather to get an idea of how you should carry yourself. These men, though physically unattractive or average at best, exude power and confidence which attract women.

    Attraction isn't logical. Attraction isn't logical. Attraction isn't logical. Being nice and submissive, while logically is the better choice it subconsciously tells a women, "hey, I'm not equal to you on the social heirarchy, so accept this bribe (gifts, being nice, showering compliments, being submissive) and settle for me."

    Jerks, as a side effect or symptom of their self-centerness and lack of empathy, have a lot of qualities that convey subconsciously to women, "hey I'm your equal or better on the social hierarchy, so I don't need your approval." Of course this isn't true, but you can't beat 60,000 years of genetic programming. It's instinct. Jerks will often do what they want, walk away from a girl, and act like they can get any girl. This makes them attractive. Keep in mind that no one is really going to date below their social hierarchy, everyone wants to date better, and will settle for an equal. No one will settle for something lower. If you see a mismatched couple, its because someone in their head believes they are lower/higher than they actually are on the social hierarchy, and their partner has bought into it or caused the other into thinking so.

    There is so much more on this and how to "manipulate" our programming, while not being a jerk. But I'm trying to give a quick rundown on why women are attracted to "jerks". It's not because the guy treats them bad, its because they act like men: they don't seek a woman's approval; they take charge, and have a lot of confidence.

    If you're having trouble with women, you need to work on building confidence: walk with your head up always, make slow movements, have strong eye contact and never break it first, always be in control (but not controlling), call a women out on B.S. (standing you up, flaking out, throwing a tantrum, blatantly testing you, etc.)

    Source(s): Books: The Red Queen, The Selfish Gene, Double Your Dating, Sperm Wars
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am 16 and i dont think it is the majority. A 'bad boy' does not necessarily have to be those mean guy. He could be one who seems bad on the outside but is actually very sweet in the inside. He could also be one who is nice and sweet on the outside, but has naughty sides to him when with his girlfriend. And nice sensitive guys dont always get rejected. There are also girls who like these type of guys, because they like to be loved. For those who choose those "bad boys", they are seeing it as a challenge to whether they can be their only one. For me, my boy seems quiet and nice on the outside, but he jokes and does silly things when in private. So i guess most girls actually like guys who show the other side to them. So i dont really agree that nice sensitive guys lose out to bad guys.

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  • Barbie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think that that is a bit of a stereotype on what girls like. i myself like jocks but i dont like the bad boy jock. i like the smart jock whose down to earth and funny and who actually gets good grades and know what they want out of life not the type that dates cheerleaders and steals things. Theres just a misconception of what a female likes in a male.

  • 1 decade ago

    The shallow girls that do go for these bad boy type guys learn their lesson soon enough. It is of course a fact that most girls prefer boys that respect them and these are the relationships that last longer :).

  • 1 decade ago

    more or less "bad boy" to rebel against there parents. They may want to date them but after one or two they will be sick of how they are treated like complete ****. No one wants a long term commitment with someone who is going to **** up there life. They want the sweet guy in the end

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have always liked good guys. I remember saying all the time "I want a really innocent, sweet, shy, virgin guy." And that was the type of guy I wanted to marry.

    Not all girls like bad boys.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    bad boys are kinda attractive because of the aura of protection. they look like they can do anything to protect a girl, that's admirable to a guy and also looks confident in bed. but though they look attractive, in the long run, most girls would fall and love to marry a good, honest, non-playing mind games and sensitive guys who know how to treat girls well.

  • 1 decade ago

    you're generalizing... i honestly think most girls would rather go for the quiet sweet type. it might just seem like that because a lot of girls are shallow in high school... you just gotta find the right ones:)

  • 1 decade ago

    I can not tell you how many girls, [with bfs or without] have fallen for a druggie, player, or a complete *** at my school. It really pisses me off.

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