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How many championships do you really think that Jimmie Johnson would have without Chad?

I am not bashing Jimmie more power to him but it can't be all driver.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe one.

    Without Chad, Jimmie would still be a top driver, but not a 3-time champion. Yes, he has good equipment, but so does Junior, and look at what lack of a good crew chief has done to him. I would say it's also Chad's leadership that has welded the 48 team into a winning machine.

    I would love to see what happens if Jimmie and Chad are ever parted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most likely none! It takes a combined effort. And I will give that whole group Jimmie, Chad, Rick, and all the other crew members a pat on the back for being the best at everything.

    The reason I say none is because Chad makes the calls and most of the time it is his calls that make the difference. Jimmie is not a better driver than at least 5 other guys out there each week. He just has the perfect people behind him. Another thing to think about is how many championship he would have if it were not for the chase system? These Championships are a product of that system. But regardless of what system he is winning these championships under, he and his crew have it figured out!

  • Oh there is no doubt that Chad is a huge part in Jimmie Johnson winning championships.. I am a huge Jimmie Johnson fan, but I do not know if he would have any if it were not for Knaus. I think Jimmie Johnson is the best driver in NASCAR, but as far a good, strategic, smart, crew chief there is none better than Knaus. When you mix the best driver in the Business with the best crew chief in the business then you are going to win championships.

    They have the chase down to a science

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chad is known as a cheater, and has been busted several times. So I can't help but wonder if there's some cheating going on. After all, he shouldn't be that much better than his Hendrick team mates but he sure keeps winning championships. I believe 50% of his success is "cheat'n Chad".

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  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe 1, probably none. He came over a big gap in 2006, had to win 4 straight races in 2007, and in 2008 the pressure would have gotten to him. Chad is one of the best crew chiefs of all time, he is a major part of Jimmie's success.

  • 1 decade ago

    how many championships would Chad have without Jimmie?

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not all driver. Without Chad's adjustments, clever bending of nascar's rules, superb handling of his pit crew, etc etc there'd be possibly one.

    Here's a question: How many championships would Johnson have without the "Chase" B.S.??


  • 1 decade ago

    ....Jimmie is a good driver and has talent,but I think he would only have 1 championship without Chad.

  • 1 decade ago

    its not all jimmie we all know chad is a HUGE part in his championships i would say MAYBE 1 championship.

    justin thats 1 race vs 3 championships probably 4 you dumbass

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