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Anantha asked in TravelAsia PacificChina · 1 decade ago

Is it correct on the part of China to call Dalia la ma,a separatist?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who cares?

    Chinese Communist Government is in perpetual habit of calling names to people who challenge their authority. Dalai Lama being called anything by China has had no effect on his health. On the other hand it has only uplifted the stature of Dalai Lama.

    Free Tibet!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Beyond India vs. China: The Dalai Lama’s Agenda

    China’s Export of Its Culture Stumbles Amid State Control

    Obama, China and the Dalai Lama

  • 1 decade ago

    Many Chinese people are mistaken what the DL wants and simply call him a separatist because they are only shown one side of the Tibet-China argument, being in China any sources of a pro-Tibet movement is censored or they are banned.

    This causes a lot of false facts or straw-man arguments because of the propaganda in place. For example "Under the Dalai cult, the average life expectancy in Tibet was 35 years."

    This can be easily refuted in which in 1950's China life expectancy is almost the same as shown in this data.

    Even this Chinese news media source gives the life expectancy in China for 1949 at 31 years.

    The Chinese did not rise the life expectancy to the same standards as the Chinese but it just grew at the same rate of China as process was made. There is a little different in the ages but is is mainly to the Tibetans living in a harsher environment, one with lower oxygen levels due to high attitudes. In fact many Chinese who go to Tibet to seek their fortune often end up returning because they can't handle the conditions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope. Dalai is one of the greatest, western politicians in China's history.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Dalai Lama is a reviled figure in his native Tibet. The Dalai cult brutally subjugated the Tibetan people, denied them education, prevented economic development, and imposed massive taxes. The Dalai Lama lived in his palace, while common people suffered. Under the Dalai cult, the average life expectancy in Tibet was 35 years. New China liberated Tibet from the abuses and horrors of the Dalai cult in 1950.

    The Dalai Lama is indeed a separatist. He seeks to separate Tibet and its people from the success and safety that they have enjoyed as part of New China. Modern Tibet is an economic, social, and educational success story. Wage levels, educational levels, standard of living, and life expectancy have drastically increased since the ouster of the Dalai cult.

    The Dalai Lama escaped to India after evidence of his cult's atrocities against the Tibetan people came to light. The Dalai Lama has hidden in India ever since, with his expenses paid by the United States government. The United States wants to see China break apart into meaningless micro-counties, like the Soviet Union did, so America may economically and militarily dominate Asia. The United States finances separatist subversive activity in Tibet.

    The Dalai Lama is popular with American housewives and Hollywood activists, but has no political power. He is a popular topic on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Now at age 73, the Dalai Lama's health is failing and he is getting ready for re-incarnation

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it's correct for Dalai Lama to admit that Tibet has been a part of China for three centuries already...

    (with a short break during the civil war...)

  • 1 decade ago

    His brother is definitely is one.

    And to those free tibet people==you might want to read how DL is a full Marxist who hates capitalism and profit.

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