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Anantha asked in Cars & TransportationRail · 1 decade ago

Trains killed more than 18000 people last year.Who is responsible for this?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I find that number difficult to believe, sure you didnt add an extra 0?

    But I can absolutely guarantee you that not one of those trains veered off their tracks to kill anyone.

    Cranial/rectum inversion accounts for the vast number of fatalities.

    Source(s): RR engineer
  • 1 decade ago

    That sounds like a very improbable figure. Where did you get it?

    In the UK there were a total of 279 people killed on the railways in 2008. Of those, 209 were suicides or suspected suicides and a further 47 were as a result of trespass on the railway. There were three members of staff killed in connection with maintenance activities and five passengers killed as a result of accidents on stations. Ten pedestrians were fatally injured using crossings, while two motorists were killed when their cars were in collision with trains on crossings. To round up the figures, three people were killed in incidents connected with bridges, including one pretty gruesome incident when a man fell from a bridge over Edinburgh Waverley station, fell through the glass roof and landed in the middle of the main concourse.

    So who is responsible for this...? Well, I would have to say that out of the total number, 209 deliberately caused their own deaths, 47 willfully put themselves at risk, up to 20 failed to pay sufficient heed to the risks associated with being about the railway through ignorance or otherwise (in spite of all the clear safety warnings given), leaving just 3 industrial accidents and possibly one or two unfortunate non-industrial accidents.

    Were you hoping to find some conveniently corporate-looking scapegoat...? Sorry, but the FACTS are not so obliging.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll assume facts not in evidence.

    If totaling all fatalities from all causes, collision, derailment, etc., and if speaking globally, this number might have a chance.

    Either way, the bottom line is the same. It is up to the individual to keep himself out of harm's way. And the difference is only a small number of feet to safety.

    And for what? Save three minutes on the am/pm commute? Or perhaps just a cheap thrill... The remarkable thing is, members of either category would scream bloody murder if they were a passenger in your car when you were going to pull into traffic in a close call with two approaching semis and you didn't want to wait for them to go by in front of you.

    "Here comes a train?" Big deal. Go around the gates...

    So, who is responsible?

  • 5 years ago

    i have responded some questions about familiar chum Holly songs contained in the most suitable month. I grew-up on chum Holly, as he's the music of my figure's era. Favourites :~ That'll Be the Day commonplace Heartbeat Rave On it doesn't count number Anymore BQ : that is the reason I extra some by technique of those human beings : timber ; The Humblebums ; Deaf Shepherd BQ2 : Neither... BQ3 : Nope. i have been AWOL for 60 hours ~ my pc had a significant meltdown ;(

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  • Waalee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That number seems a little on the high side. As a matter of fact I am always reading up on train accidents worldwide and although I've never kept track of the numbers, I am quite sure its probably around 400 or so.

  • 1 decade ago

    most because people try to cross in front of the train

    at a railway road crossing and got hit by the train or

    they trespassing on the tracks or they were doing something illegal

    (hopping trains and fell under the wheels)

    remember trains can not jump off the tracks and run you over on the sidewalk

    *every single accident was the person or drivers fault,

    remember trains can not stop on a dime -they can eventually stop

    but sometimes it take a mile to stop

    its never the trains fault for hitting someone..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would also like to know where you got this figure from? I doubt if it's correct even across the world. Trains simply don't kill that many people and even the occasional train wreck would not go any way to cause that number. Read fast reg again and learn.

  • Derail
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Where did you get 18,000? That's a little steep. Keep in mind that there are no surprises with trains. They don't drop out of the sky. They follow a track. If you're in the way, it's because you're on the track. Where tracks contact public property and accesses, there's plenty of warning through signs and electrical devices. "Who is responsible for this?" Think of it this way. People use a bridge to get over a river. One guy decides to swim across. He drowns. Do we blame the river?

  • 1 decade ago

    Cars accounted for many more than that. Who's responsible for that? Should we ban cars as being a menace to public safety?

  • 1 decade ago

    18000 people that dont know any better than to walk or drive in front of a train

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