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How is honesty of a person living in a country related to his Religion and spiriyuality?

(from a recent ditbit received by email)

A Worldwide survey was conducted by the company ‘Non existent & no Limited’. The only question asked was:

'Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?'

The survey was a huge failure because,

In Africa they didn't know what 'food' meant,

In India they didn't know what 'honest' meant,

In Europe they didn't know what 'shortage' meant,

In China they didn't know what 'opinion' meant,

In the Middle East they didn't know what 'solution' meant,

In South America they didn't know what 'please' meant,

And in the USA they didn't know what 'the rest of the world' meant!



spiriyuality = spirituality

Update 2:

The intention of asking the question was two-fold. One was to share an interesting Tid-bits having with fun with words.

In the Tid-bits (thanks to Sharmili for the answer and correction, you are cute!)

The countries are choosen as near equivalent and it seems is not intentional.

No survey was conducted and this is known by the name of the company, 'Non existent & no Limited’.

All my well vishers are answering the question and I can go to the second aspect of asking this question.

THe second part is on honesty with R&S

Our Honesty is in the acid test now. As Mangalam and Veers opinion We had a glorious past.

Rapter got the LOL part correctly and add one tail to it to enjoy! That is the spirit. To enjoy the words play. All in a light vein.

Godseye and Narendra not only got the LOL and gave answers for the second part also.

Crinson added a related matter.

I feel asking question is very difficult!

I find answering is relatively easy!!

Update 3:

Odampully has hit a hat-trick! The last three answers of him, there was no word against GOD in his answers!!

So depends on the question he presents his views.

Thanks to all the answerers.

Update 4:

P'quaint got the LOL part.

Haritha sir (elder in age) takes the question seriously and started giving solutions.

Update 5:

I pray Lord Thayumanaswamy for TC. You are right. We, by our action to prove that we are honest with our efforts and even in jokes should not refer us on our actions!

Update 6:

The word 'Tit-bits' was wrongly spelt many times earlier!

Update 7:
Update 8:

If you want some facts, read below;

Do you know anything on 'CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX ' (for honesty rank!)

What is the present rank of India in corruptionless among all the countries;

See 2008 , 2007, 2006, 2005 & 2004 year ranking at;

For the year 2008, India rank was far below. The corruption free rank was 85.

First rank in Corruption free list;

Denmark , New Zealand and Sweden

Second rank is


Update 9:

capn' edib and deeks have given their views. Thanks

Pad and Veers have dealt some aspects on honesty, spiritual and Religion.

There are two words in Sanskrit to mean corruption.

भ्रष्टाचार bhrastaacaara m. corruption

दुष्टि dusti f. corruption

Vedas talks much on honesty and corruption indirectly. The following are some of them;

Rig Veda:1-42-3, 1-104-3, 3-34-6, 5-61-8

Sukla Yajur Veda: 30-22

Sama Veda: Hymns, 179 & 913

Update 10:


I appreciate your Curiosity. I can explain with my thinking. Please correct if I am wrong because this is not taken from our scripts as for as my knowledge goes!

Yes, Religion is like a boat. Spirituality is rowing. Guru is the driver of the boat and Guru is the commander. All are rowing with two oars. Two oars are faith and determination. Our aim is to cross the ocean, our Janma. The other side is liberation. After crossing, what is the need for the boat? Religion is man made and it is a tool only.

One may think that he need not have the above and may try to swim! This swimming is Spirituality.

16 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    A very nice question!

    If this opens the Eyes of people, the purpose will get fulfilled!

    Let us first try to understand what spirituality is.

    Whatever way one may define, it may be termed as an ideal that reckons all reality in essence as spiritual. Or simply stated spirituality is one's character or quality that makes one transcend the barriers of worldliness, caste, creed and sensuality; and realize one's connection with the Truth.

    Yes truly that is the essence of spirituality. Religion is just one of many tools using which one attains spirituality. In general a person became truly spiritual, transcends even the religion. A spiritual person sees every living being as equal and show love.

    Vallalaar Ramalinga Adigal said

    வாடிய பயிரைக் கண்டபோதெல்லாம் வாடினேன்

    Vaadiya Payirai Kandapothellaam vaadinen.

    Meaning, I sag on viewing the sagged paddy field for want of water. Yes Vallalaar was a religious leader written lots of verses praising all Gods and became spiritual leader after some point of time. He realized Paramatma and he transcended all barriers.

    For example Vallalaar Ramalinga Adigal in his 6th Thirumurai wrote:

    எத்துணையும் பேதமுறாது

    ..........எவ்வுயிரும் தம் உயிர்போல் எண்ணியுள்ளே

    ஒத்துரிமை உடையவராய்

    ..........உவக்கின்றார் யாவர்அவர் உள்ளம்தான்

    சுத்தசித்துருவாய் எம்பெருமான்

    ..........நடம்புரியும் இடமென நான் தேர்ந்தேன் அந்த

    வித்தகர்தம் அடிக்கேவல் புரிந்திட

    ..........என் சிந்தை மிக விழைந்ததாலோ

    That sage has ultimately given that He realized that Lord Nataraaja in Chidambaram is very much dancing in the heart of the people who derive pleasure in accepting & treating all living beings equal to self life without showing any discrimination of whatsoever kind, and hence serving those people itself a service to the Lord Shiva!

    One example for his spirituality I wish to quote here.

    The practice of foregoing the Kumkum by the widows is in practice till now. But Vallalaar said the Kumkum was the Thilak for women even before the marriage and it need not be discontinued due to the death of Husband who came in between in the life of women.

    Swamy Vivekananda also in the later stage said:

    God lives in every living being and he who serves Jeeva the living beings serves God in Deed.

    So the true spirituality is, understanding the truth that Omnipotent God spread across everything in the Universe including all living beings and we have to show love and affection towards all living beings.

    Honesty & Religion and Spirituality:

    Honestly, one should transcend religion while spirituality enters in. True Spiritual people automatically transcend the barriers and treat every one as co-human beings and cannot discriminate a person by religion or race. There only all are equal and human. They should even forget their own religion.

    One step above this, if every one or at least majority of the living human beings on earth become more of spiritual, even the boundaries of countries of all nations can be erased there by making “One Planet, One Race Human, All Resources Common to All”

    If such a situation comes,

    Africans need not starve for food.

    Indians need not be dishonest,

    Europeans surplus will be properly leveled.

    Chinese can be out of control of clutches and have their opinion freedom.

    Middle East people can understand what properly solution is.

    South Americans aware of please &

    USA can understand what rest of the world is!

    God has given sufficient resources for all living beings to happily lead life and enjoy the time in this planet. Only the people lack of Spirituality, possess more and more beyond limits and deprive the society for the basic needs.

    Shocking information from one of my contacts ‘justgoodfolk’ in Yahoo Answers in the link below which I have reproduced for ready reference. It shows 3 billion peoples net worth is less than first 7 peoples net worth!;_ylt=Ao...

    * Almost half the world — over 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.

    * The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the 41 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (567 million people) is less than the wealth of the world’s 7 richest people combined.

    * Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.

    * Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.

    * 1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per day).

    The ultra wealthy elite is hopelessly out of touch and dissociates completely from reality. Today is no different

    The social chasm separating America’s financial oligarchy from working people, the vast majority of the population, is wider than at any time since 1917, according to the latest statistics from the Internal Revenue Service.

    The income gap between the top 10 percent and the bottom 90 percent has reached “a level higher than any other year since 1917 and even surpasses 1928, the peak of the stock market bubble in the ‘roaring’ 1920s,” according to an analysis of the data published in August by University of California economist Emmanuel Saez.

    Historically social revolution is inevitable.

    200 years ago old Tom Paine wrote: "The present state of civilization is as odious as it is unjust. It is absolutely the opposite of what it should be, and it is necessary that a revolution should be made in it. The contrast of affluence and wretchedness continually meeting and offending the eye is like dead and living bodies chained together."

    No one could imagine hearing such words spoken by any of the candidates of the "major" parties. They are capable of nothing but hypocritical platitudes which lay bare the chasm that separates the social interests defended by these instruments of capitalist rule from those of the broad masses of people. Capitalist society is as much the ancien regime of the late twentieth century as feudal society was the ancien regime of the late eighteenth.

    Two hundred and twenty years ago Jefferson declared that the equality of man was a self-evident truth—that is, it was not a debatable point. But today, the defenders of our ancien regime declare that the equality of man is not only a debatable point; they assert it is a fallacy, and that we should embrace as the essential principle of social life the inequality of man. A social order that requires the services of such defenders deserves to perish.


    Concluding with a dream of One Planet & One Society with Spiritualty!


    Shri.Srividya Rajagopalan Sir,

    A beautiful comment to Mr.Crimson! Mr.Crimson has a beautiful imagination power which was exhibited in his Laksha Graha question. For such an intelligent imaginater you have given a very nice example!

    With a positive hope that you may not mind if I interfere in your example, I want to add some thing to your great example. Yes boat is like a religion. The honesty which you have missed is the "effort" put in by the rowers. Unless the efforts (the honesty) of all rowers synchronised the boat cannot sail smoothly. Only the Guru who holds the 'Rudder' can direct the journey in the particular direction of liberation.

    As you rightly said and also accepted by Mr.Crimson, the Boat is religion. Those who do not know swimming, those who know swimming but have no stamina to swim till liberation end, and those who know swimming and also possess stamina but do not know the direction for liberation are all in need of a boat, the religion to get liberation! Here another important fact to be noted.

    Unless the boat is proper & perfect, it will sink and all commuters will be drowned in the midway! Again even if the boat is perfect and proper, if the commuters are not intelligent enough, they will segregate to one end and make the boat to capsize!

    In the same time there are people who do not need boat or guru but they themselves can swim and reach the liberation destination. There their swimming is spirituality! They do not need religion for liberation

    Edit for Tender Coconut:


    Tender, you are a Nakkeeran of the Yahoo Answers!

    Yes I pray God to bless you the best with a cute baby soon. Come back with more enthusiasm after a short brake! Till such time we miss you a lot.

  • 1 decade ago


    I am not able to understand the relation between your question and the survey of the company.

    1) First I give answer to your question. We can see honest people among religious and non-religious. Those who think logical will accept honesty. Because, if I am honest to you, then only I can expect honesty from you. That is a simple logic.

    Another point is Religion is not necessary for spirituality. Spirituality is a higher plane of the mind. But religion consists of some faiths.

    2) My answer for the survey of the company: The 'only question' asked by the company was not in a good way.

    I surprise from where you got the reasons for the failure of the survey.

    Also, I could not agree that all Indian's are dishonest and all Africans are unknown of food, etc.......

    You rarely ask questions and so I was very curious. But your company's survey and reasons for the failure looks like some jokes by school students spread in E-mail or SMS.

    Edit: All of us are your good friends. Then to whom are you going to give the "Best answer"?

  • Well, It relates a lot.

    In the shortage of resources, Many attacks were done on other countries. People followed colonialism or genocide for snatching these things from other nations.

    India is also facing the same problem right now. The poverty and lack of resources is the biggest problem of today's India.

    But still we never invaded any country nor we interfere in the personal matters of other countries as China and Pak do in ours. Actually this is our honesty that stops us to do so and this honesty is gifted us by Hinduism aka Sanathana Dharma.

    Though we have many problem that can drive us to attack other nations but it is our religious heritage or Sanskar those don't allow us to do so. We are not baffling like the plunderers of Middle East or Imperialists of Europe.


    Shri Vidya ji, Thanks for your comment. I want to ask a question. Does my example again prove that things like Honesty and spirituality are the inseparable contents of the religion? Can we avoid the assumption that our basic morals, ethics and cosmological desires are different and highly operated by the religion we are following? Can't we say that nobody can be spiritual with out religion? He can be honest, moral but I think he can't think of the welfare of his Atman that is main motto of spirituality.

    IT's not "Duragrah", it is merely a "Jigyasa."



    LOL........ Correcting you on comment will be like correcting myself. This is the exactly what I wanted read........thanks. This is what I was trying to ask. Thanks for answering in such a b'ful metaphorical way.

    Thanks for calling religion as a boat in the ocean of this Bhava.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The motivation of the survey was good, but countries are misplaced. The main agenda was good, but imaginary and adding joke to the survey got failed. The reason for food shortages was economic crisis in the western world and climate failure for the rest of the world.

    if you need solution, the economic crisis should be brought under control by taking meaningful and strict actions, and for come-over the climate failure, the people should pray the Almighty with true devotion. I think and believe that this is the best solution.

    @ hi..TC..hope you will convey good news.. and also hope you will come back early.

    @ hi ..sharmili..i wondered and treated you a best competition, but your education is important. so, please divert your attention there with your best ability.

    Source(s): my view.
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 5 years ago

    Atheist Agnostic England.

  • 1 decade ago


    Generally i will see your answers only in this category and am surprised to see your question.

    From the nothing, it is difficult to answer since i did not see the seriousness in the so called survey came from the unidentified quarters, i hope this is for joke since you say taken from Tit-bits.

    Anyway, the honesty always associated with spirituality is true.

    Our great elders, Gurus, mahans, and maharishis, besides God incarnations taught us the righteous ways, and established righteous way means the india is always for honest.

    so, my humble answer is the honesty is india, and with indian people, like its association with spirituality.

    Though, i can answer it as a joke, but i am utilizing this opportunity to show the other world about india.

    @ best wishes. Have a nice days dear.

    @ Sri C.Srividya Rajagopalan is nearly 30 to 45 minutes to answer a question, and for preaparing i am taking additionally 30 minuites. since, i have to concentrate on my studies and projects, i am too taking leave and sure, i will be back, i will surely make a star on interesting questions for my convenience. thanks.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL! it is really a fundamental question which is going to decide the future of the nation.

    Honesty of a national should not depend on religious faith. But, , bad luckily muslim faith is doing harm to this fundamental. Their faiths are so strong and with extra superiority complexes it denies every thing against bowing to Kurran and what ever is written in it. When a free will is stopped to think in any other direction, problems start emerging.

    Many individual Muslims may come across as honest, loving and decent, polished, and fine gentlemen; and if they have given up blind belief in the Quran, they might really be what they appear to be as honest, loving and decent, polished, fine gentlemen.

    But as long as a person whatsoever honest, loving, decent, polished, and a fine gentleman to boot; if he continues to believe in the Quran; then he becomes an extremist at heart and this extremism is evident whenever the topic of religion is mentioned.

    The faith of "universal brotherhood" is restricted to their religion and thought that one day entire globe will become accepts muslim religion. But, from the current news coming from, muslim dominated countries at present, it is proving to be wrong.

    In short, honesty of a person living in a country is directly related to his Religion and spirituality, only in case of Islamic religion.

    It is better for our political and spiritual leaders to understand this fundamental problem, otherwise their is black future for any nation and the world too.

    " Convey our message to the Emperor not to indulge in hate of the Marathas in future. May be through such relations a common Indian Empire could evolve where Hindus and Muslims would be able to function as brothers on the basis of equality! One who becomes an emperor with the consent and prowess of the Hindus, it does not matter if he is Muslim or not by religion! Hence forward if the Muslims treat Bharatmata as mother and Hindus as brothers then we Hindus will treat them as brothers. If they want unity, it will occur on this basis. If not, then we are not afraid of disunity! ........ We have avenged the defeat of Panipat! There is nothing permanent in the world. It is the duty of the future generations to foster or to end this Kingdom of Swadharma. But today, at least, there is no Muslim power in Hindustan worth taking notice. My Hindu Kingdoms now blossoming....."

    (Samagra Savarkar Vangmay Vol. 7, Page 722)

    This is what is needed.

    Jai Shree Ram!!!!!

  • saroj
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Usually, the Tit-bits are for jokes. A joking survey from an unidentified

    and non-existence.

    i happened to see your best answers, and recently you answered a best question that came from one mr. veers. i got sad on seeing a best question was side tracked by some vested interests.but you and others straightened. so, now say the fake survey, though a joke survey, even in a joke survey, our nation was projected away from the honesty.

    yes, it is true for some handful persons which i see in this category, but there are himalaya mountain level honesty there in india. Honesty always connected with vedas, puranas, ithihas, sub-puranas, to say particular bustered from Alwar's nalayira divyaprabhandhas, periya puranas, the recently lived sain Arutprakash vallalar, mostly in Thirukkural. A true devotion is with us. A true honesty is with us.

    Mostly born from south side and spread over entire country and world.

    Regarding the climate change over..the u.s.a. lists polar bear as endangered species due to rapid melting of its Arctic sea-ice habitat.

    surprisingly, new evidence available that Antarctica is warming rapidly, and global leaders eagerly waiting to solution for global warming..

    Many answered the association of honesty with spirituality and i too endorse.

    I am happy in participating, wanted to answer to your question in particular.

    A man of services, and the services are unlimited since you have the honesty in this category since you are maintaining it with good thoughts and best associates.

  • .........

    Sir vidya rajgopalan ji as it appears to me every time I happen to look at your answers instead of Sri vidya rajgopaln ji. So let it be like that only.

    Sir, I found it hard with my little knowledge to relate your question with the survey conducted by your co 'fun ltd'.

    Therefore let me begin with your question. Honesty depends on your surroundings, on your religion and on your spirituality. But above all is your attitude which makes you outstanding if you follow honesty in the ocean of dishonesty or corruption. It requires a lot of courage to serve with honesty specially in India.

    This simple policy leads you to the spiritual path, the first step and the strongest.

    I liked your survey which threw light honestly on various aspect of life in different countries.

    AND they also didn't know what is meant by.......

    Sorry, in USA,

    Peace, in Israel,

    Skirt, in Iran,

    Scuds, in Iraq,

    Terrorism, in Pakistan,

    Friendship in China.......


    Source(s): Me & myself........
  • 1 decade ago

    Question from you ? wonderful.

    The honesty of the country always lies with the people living there. In this matter, we can proud because our nation is always with honesty. Spirituality and honesty are brother and sister. Find which is male and female please. Females were ever green honest humans.

    Though it is not a survey, it is also bad because they wrongly showed our nation. Even for joke one should not say our nation like that.

    ok..sir, i am taking leave for 4 to 5 months from now. i answered this because this is your question and i dont want miss so answered. i will come again.

    please bless me.

    @ shri c.srividya Rajagopalan sir...thanks for your kind blessings.

    @ Shri Pad sir, thank you, sir. i am thankful to your kind blessings.

    @ Sharmili...hi, thank you shar..

    @ shri Veers sir, can i grateful to you for your high opinion.. thank you, sir.

    @ harithaji...i thank you. i am also grateful to you.

    Source(s): my answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL..thanks it was really great and an eye opener !

    Honesty of a person living in a country normally is not related to his religion. (muslims are exception here, as they are only honest to Islam and can ditch their country of residence (even their blood relatives) for Islam or Jehad)

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