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Lv 4
Richie asked in TravelAsia PacificThailand · 1 decade ago

Looking for Jody Oswald.?

I am looking for Jody Oswald. Jody ran the snack bar at the Washington State Soldiers Home in Orting,WA. I am a friend of hers and would like to get in touch with her. My name is Richard. I was a resident at the Soldiers home for about 13 years.

3 Answers

  • Titan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did he shoot JFK?


    I know K. Bob, but meaning to light up a bit...

    I usually crack when caught up in question like this in Thailand forum.


    To the asker, sorry buddy haven't got a clue.

  • 5 years ago

    He begged to be forgiven, but his expression, and body-language tells of his foolish pride, plus his hesitation to announce resignation. He needs to be taught humiliation, handcuffed and put away for twenty, as a caution to anyone else that mis-uses the public trust Elliot Ness my @@s!! Lee Harvey Oswald at least had some dignity, and a good aim,so I'm told. He should have shot Castro instead though, we would still be smoking Cuban crooks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry I don't know her. But I laugh at Ice answer. Ice it was Lee Harvey Oswald. Is this person in Thailand? You don't mention what city in Thailand that could help also.

    Source(s): me thinking you may have the wrong YA category me also thinking of the US veterans on this day
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