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Does Obama take so long to make decisions because he want's what's correct ? Or what's politically correct?

Partisan politics aide, I have a very hard time looking at the action's he's taken thus far and believing it to be the former. Thanks in advance for your answers. God bless.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's still waiting for the public opinion polls.

  • Making the correct decision is very important! It is literally a matter of life and death for our American military, not to mention our own economy. History certainly has proven how stupid "W"aste Product's rush into Iraq was, the war we will never be able to get out of quick enough! We certainly do NOT need another one of those!

    "President Barack Obama rejected the Afghanistan war options before him and asked for revisions, his defense secretary said Thursday, after the U.S. ambassador in Kabul argued that a significant U.S. troop increase would only prop up a weak, corruption-tainted government." "...Obama's ambassador, Karl Eikenberry, who is also a former commander in Afghanistan, twice in the last week voiced strong dissent against sending large numbers of new forces, according to an administration official. ...Eikenberry's misgivings, ...highlight administration concerns that bolstering the American presence in Afghanistan could make the country more reliant on the U.S., not less," which obviously is exactly what happened in Iraq.

    We need to concentrate on drawing down more troops even faster from Iraq than we are currently, as well as refocusing on how to more effectively use the already record 68,000 troops unfortunately already there in Afghanistan to hunt down and capture Osama bin Laden. Then we will be able to also remove all of our troops from Afghanistan. Historically, adding more troops anywhere never has seemed to be the answer! I guess at least we are finally looking for bin Laden in the correct country!

    Source(s): "Obama said to want revised Afghanistan options," AP on Yahoo! News.
  • 1 decade ago

    I assume you are talking about Afghanistan. He is our president, and he does care about our troops. He just does not want to make a bad decision because there are American lives on the line. It is not an easy decision. Just look at all of the different advice he has gotten. Why can't people believe that he is just trying to do what is right? I did not agree with many of Bush's policies, but I was sure that he thought he was doing the right thing for this country. It really makes me sick to hear people say the president doesn't care. I guess he wanted to be president because he doesn't care about this country, does that make sense?

  • 1 decade ago

    When it comes to Afghanistan, he needs to be sure sending troops into harms way is the correct thing to do. Unlike Bush and Chaney that dithered in Afghanistan for seven years. Jehovah Bless.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    2010 is just around the corner. do you think he wants to get his butt handed to him on a plate the way all of the polls are saying it will next year? the war, health care, cash for clunkers and the extension of the first time homebuyer credit... do you think that's anything but buying votes for democrats in 2010 and 2012?

    remember how the dems accused bush of "finding" saddam conveniently right before the 2004 elections? how is this any different?

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama has an agenda. It is far more liberal then he lets on. But the centrists are what got him elected. True leftists are in the minority as this country is more of a centrist country. So Obama has to execute his agenda in small increments, in as politically correct a manner as possible so he can keep support.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He increased troop strength in Afganistan a few weeks after he got into office. I'm glad he isn't in hurry.

    I think we should start getting the hell out of there.

  • 1 decade ago

    May god bless you child.

  • 1 decade ago

    God forbid the man should consider all the options of a crucial issue before sending more soldiers to their deaths ==

  • 1 decade ago

    He isn't even going for politically correct actually. He's calculating the best move for three moves ahead and with no regard to the country. Wonder why he appeases the enemies? It's really hard to overpower your own nation while fighting the enemy. Keep them at bay instead so you can further your agenda....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It must be that he wants what is correct because a politically correct answer could be made with a knee jerk reaction.

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