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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Pro-Choice and forced to buy Health care?

Why do some of the same people that believe that someone should be able to have an abortion because "its their body" also believe that its ok for our government to force them to buy health care or go to jail?


PJ- thats why i said "some" poeple. I am talking about the ones that are those "some " people. Noone else.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hypocrisy. They see ' women's rights' instead of 'individual rights' which is what both issues are about.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pro-Choice, as long as you make the correct choice. You don't have to be a headbanger to appreciate, "Eye of the Beholder" by the greatest American rock band (at least they used to be).

    Do You See What I See?

    Truth Is an Offense

    You Silence for Your Confidence

    Do You Hear What I Hear?

    Doors Are Slamming Shut

    Limit Your Imagination, Keep You Where They must

    Do You Feel What I Feel?

    Bittering Distress

    Who Decides What You Express

    Do You Take What I Take?

    Endurance Is the Word

    Moving Back Instead of Forward Seems to Me Absurd

    Doesn't Matter What You See

    Or into it What You Read

    You Can Do it Your Own Way

    If It's Done Just How I Say

    Independence Limited

    Freedom of Choice

    Is Made for You My Friend

    Freedom of Speech

    Is Words That They Will Bend

    Freedom with Their Exception

    Source(s): PJ.... it's not rocket science, single issue pro-choice voters have been trained to vote Democrat
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you really want to know or do you just want to complain about it? Because I took the novel step of reading the bill.

    - Currently the Federal Government reimburses Hospitals for ER and Catostrophic Coverage (long hospital stays) for those who do not have insurance.

    - Under the new plan, it would require all those who do not get insurance to pay a 2.5% tax. this tax would go into a fund that would cover uninsured people who need hospital care.

    - This way only the uninsured have to pay for other uninsured, instead of those of use who have insurance.

    - Now, I know you probably don't like the public option. But IF we had the public option, what would be more fair? a) everyone with insurance paying for their own insurance AND those without insurance? or b) only those without insurance paying for those without insurance?

    Now I know every conservative is going to ignore this logic and thumbs down me because I've actually read the bill and because I'm for the bill.

    ****Independent Thinker, are you an independent reader? The bill is designed NOT to have anyone else pay the bill after its initial instillation.

  • 1 decade ago

    As far as health care in concerned THE REPUBLICAN LEGISLATORS, you know the ones whose VOTERS are PRO-LIFE....................................... ALREADY HAVE IT IN THEIR INSURANCE.....


    New Wrinkle: RNC Insurance Plan Covers Abortion - The Note

    Nov 12, 2009 ... There is a new wrinkle in the abortion debate: the Republican ... that the anti- abortion RNC's policy has covered the procedure since 1991. ... - 17 hours ago - Similar

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    no person in this administration is looking each and every person to alter their wellness care plan. the government plan (if it even passes) would be basically one decision between many. Why do you think of in any different case?

  • 1 decade ago

    Next stop: Get an abortion or go to jail!

    Source(s): Don't really believe that, but it just seemed the natural progression from your question.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    it just highlights the two things I have learned about liberals

    1. They want someone else to pay their bills

    2. They hate babies and want them to die

  • 1 decade ago

    How would you know if it's the same people?

    And those are two separate issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they'er bass ackwards.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those that have Intellectual inconsistency might be among that group.

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