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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why Do Republicans Keep Calling President Obama A Socialist?

It's nothing more than a hysterical paranoid fantasy. As much as I support him, President Obama is not even a liberal. He's moderate left at best.

Some right-wing pundits refer to Obama as a socialist or communist. This stems from an exaggeration of Obama's real beliefs, which involve increased government regulation of our troubled financial markets, increased taxes of the wealthiest Americans and guarantees of quality healthcare to all Americans. While these policies do involve more government involvment in economic activity than those favored by John McCain and President Bush, they do not meet the traditional understanding of socialism or communism because they do not involve state ownership of most means of production.

From Wikipedia:

Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society.[1][2] Modern socialism originated in the late nineteenth-century working class political movement. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution, it being the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.[3][4]

Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth into a small section of society who control capital, and creates an unequal society. All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly, although there is considerable disagreement among socialists over how, and to what extent this could be achieved.[1]


And they keep doing it no matter how many facts you provide to the contrary. Amazing....

26 Answers

  • Noah H
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Socrates, (right above me) has provided an accurate, truthful and factual answer supporting your position!

    Congratulations on not falling for the $$$ driven propaganda that too many of the political right have foolishly fallen for.

    These naive people say that they feel that income distribution is bad and unamerican?

    What they fail to realize that there already is income redistribution in America. This week’s Time magazine shows that the income of the super rich has risen 900% over the middle class since 1990. Billionaire Warren Buffet has said "there already is class warfare in America and my class is winning"

    The misinformed right wingers are so afraid of something called socialism.

    Some Republicans who blind to reality, have been deluded by propaganda funded and supported by the super rich who want to preserve their stranglehold on America’s money.

    The time magazine article stated that14, 583 top taxpayers have more income than the bottom 50% combined. These are the super greedy anti socialists ultra wealthy who George Bush called his “base.” W. Supported his base by giving 55 cents of every on of his Bush tax cut dollar went to feed the excessive greed of these robber barons. His deregulation policies just help these people steal from mornaivem the middle class and poor… in the name of patriotism and the American way.

    These super rich have sold the naïve and delusional that endorsing their ultra wealth is the “American Way”. That supporting their theft is patriotic.

    Here is an example from “Capitalism, A love story” ….. If there were a hundred people on an island, and all the money was a ten-slice pizza, then, the way it is now, one person would get ten slices for himself and the other 99 would share the last slice. The guy with the ten slices says “Socialism is when you have to give your slice of pepperoni to someone who has less than you” They never mention that they have more houses than they can live in and more Ferraris than they can drive. They tell the naïve delusional that anyone who wants income redistribution is a Socialist (the dirtiest word there is.... (Worse than a child molester, serial killer, war monger, or foreign terrorist.

    On paper, (in theory), Socialism works. But the reality is that the Socialistic system does not work when it is corrupted by tremendous greed of a very few at the top.

    On paper, (in theory), Communism works. But the reality is that the Communistic system does not work when it is corrupted by tremendous greed of a very few at the top.

    On paper, (in theory), Capitalism works. But the reality is that the Capitalistic system philosophy does not work when it is corrupted by tremendous greed of a very few at the top.

    Our enemy is not Communism or Socialism, or Capitalism. Our enemy is ignorant people who actually support a system that feeds the tremendous greed of a few monsters at the very top.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure there are allot of different reasons, depending on who you talk to. One of the reasons I would guess is to mount an attack against the word and the concept as much as against the president. It's an old tactic. Socialism is evil. They say. Obama is a socialist. Therefore Obama is evil. Obama is evil. Obama is socialist. Therefore socialism is evil. The "argument" gives you all you need, if you don't think about it too much, to discredit and vilify the president and an economic/political system in one shot.

    Why is Obama evil? Because he's a socialist. Why is socialism evil? Because Obama is one. It's Glenn Beck logic.

    But, I'm sure that the richest of the rich fear socialism much more than they do president Obama. He's one man, one president and just as much of a puppet for the super rich as every president before him, 99% of the world's human population and the planet itself. Socialism is an idea. Those are very hard to control and almost impossible to kill. So the meaning of the word itself must be corrupted and smeared, much like the word liberal. Look that word up in the dictionary and compare it to it's most common usage these days. Not much similarity there either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's nothing more than a hysterical paranoid fantasy that has gripped so many around the country especially in the southern states.

    Most of those who spout these allegations wouldn't know a marxist or a socialist if one stepped up and slapped them in the face.

    And they don't have a problem lining up for that unemployment compensation, social security check, and foodstamps too. Yet they still whine about Obama being a Marxist, Socialist etc.

    Today we can see a concentration of wealth & power in this country. It's in the bank accounts of every stinking rich bugger and corporation and bank in America.

    While the working man gets the shaft again,again and again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry to say, but this is what they do. They don't care about facts, reality, or even the truth. They--the Republican Party--just wants to keep spreading lies and disinformation; in a bland attempt to divide or galvanize people and turn them against Obama.

    It's sad, but what can you do?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    During the 2008 Presidential campaign Barack Obama told audiences, 'Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.'

    This is what we have done.

    Van Jones is a proud communist

    Mark Jones admires Hugo Chavez

    Anita Dunn is a Maoist

    "To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability." -Karl Marx

    " I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody."-Barrack Obama

    "Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth into a small section of society who control capital, and creates an unequal society."-Is this not the Democrat party line?

  • barry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i'm sure they call him a socialist because they may be right, after all would you consider him a american? besides the government takeover of a few big companies and its big push for universal health care, among other socialist programs there might not be much behind the reasons they refer to hussein obama barrack as a socialist. i myself think he is a communist and were going to be the new USSR, but after reading what you had to say i know that america will quickly go to where no american has gone before. now i know better thanks, obama is really a left wing conservative who happens to be on the other side of everything just to fool them. boy are them libs in for a shock.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, you pretty much answer your own question here.... you say "guarantees of quality healthcare to all Americans" which means it doesnt matter if they work or not , can afford health care or not.... if they DESERVE it or not... thats CLEARLY a socialist agenda... In a Capitalist society only the wealthy and the working class can either get or afford health care. In a communist society, the government OWNS all the hospitals and decides who gets health care. Obama is clearly advocating a plan "being the transitional stage between capitalism and communism"

    Yes there is a lot more to socialism and being a socialist... but his health care plan is CLEARLY Socialist in its conception, its implementation, and its use.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please explain which part of the government takeover of GM by the Obama administration including firing of the CEO isn't an example of classic socialism.

    There is a lot of rhetoric being thrown around that Obama is a socialist. You are right in that he isn't a classic socialist and there has been a lot of exaggeration of Obama's beliefs. However, Obama is far from being a moderate. He is simply proceeding slowly in implementing his more liberal agenda.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because those of us on this side of the political spectrum

    don't make much distinction between socialism and communism

    obama's choices of political associates are communists

    those who strongly support obama

    and write paragraphs about why he is not a communist

    more likely than not, state that they themselves are communist, so they should know

    obama is nothing that i want, and i may, in fact, mislabel him;

    but for practical purposes, he is a focking communist

    i am not a damn useless republican

  • 1 decade ago

    I f you can call a Progressive Globalist moderate Progressive Globalist are in both parties Democrat and Republican ......Watch the this video

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