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Schumer blaming " lacking " gun laws on Fort Hood shooting. Is their no end to the insanity of liberalism?

Thanks in advance for your answers. God bless.

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lets see the "alleged" shooter was a Major in the US Army so "gun control laws" are going to prevent a US ARMY MAJOR from obtaining a weapon to shoot people with ? How does that work ?

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an Irish citizen and by American standards I would be considered a liberal. I own a shotgun for hunting purposes but I believe in effective gun control of assault weapons and hand guns in the hands of non military/police personel. That said, the tragedy in Fort Hood would have been impossible to legislate against. He was an army Major, he purchased the weapon two months before the shooting spree, he had no diagnosed mental health issues. The weapon was an 5.7mm FN and to my knowledge has never been on a short list to be banned. Even if you had banned hand guns in all 50 states and removed the 2nd Amendment, Mr Hassan was an Army Major on a military base who was intelligent and resourceful and most probably could have accessed a Armalite rifle of sorts with the same results. The Columbine school shooting in 1999 was a good argument for tighter gun control, the Fort Hood tragedy is not. The real effect of this tragedy will be a growing mistrust and distain for Muslims in the American military which will result in their further alienation and susceptibility to radicalisation. The US armed forces are going to have work very hard to manage the recruitment of new, or advancement of their existing, 2,000 Muslims.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't believe that this guy did this as a terrorist attack nor do I believe it was based upon his Muslim faith. I believe he was a stressed man who was pushed over the edge by his fear of being deployed -- he snapped. It was a horrible act, and I feel for all the families that have lost their loved ones, but unfortunately, Islam will be blamed. I knew it the moment I found out the man's name that this would become a Muslim issue. If they rewrote Webster's dictionary, they might as well enter the word "Terrorism" as the sole definition for the word "Muslim" which is a grossly unfair and a stereotypical reaction. People were greatly changed by 9/11, and fear creates ignorance that is continously shown in the outrageous things people ask and write on Yahoo answers. Not to mention that there are others that will even find a way to tie this in with Obama. I think this man knew what he was doing when he showed up in a traditional Muslim gown ad shouted "Allah Akbar." He knew this would cause additional chaos to do this act with Islamic overtones included, and that's what he got. I think he figured if he was going to to do this, he would rather go out in a blaze of glory and appear as some kind of Islamic hero than to admit his fear of being deployed. He probably never thought he would live through it, but I in no way sympathize with the man. I hope he gets the chair for this, but I just wanted to share my theories on the issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    Really? So, he thinks that if Hassan had just not been able to acquire a weapon from a civilian source, he, a major in the army, would never have figured out how to find weapons and carry off his diabolical plot? Schumer has outshone himself on this one.

    He should know that the Fort Hood Shootings should be blamed solely on:

    1. Malik Nadal Hassan's sick Islamofacist mind.

    2. The fact that this PC society is so afraid to make CAIR cry that, while no less than TWO federal groups had red-flagged Hassan over his online board postings and his attempt to contact al-Qaeda and his e-mails with the nutbag in Yemen , students complained to military doctors over his presentations, the military refused to not educate a Muslim and try to use him in the armed forces because it knew that there would be a PR hell to pay if it did otherwise.

    3. Stringent gun laws in the base. Those people are trained for guys like him. He would have shot maybe two people, and we wouldn't have to deal with paying for his trial if soldiers were allowed to carry on base.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Chuck Schumer is a bloody genius! Lacking gun laws on an Army base. I did not know someone could be that stupid and still breathing.

    Source(s): Do not jump to any conclusions.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If anything the opposite could be argued. The military has very strict rules about being armed on base without authorization. If he had done that in Georgia, or another state which allows concealed weapons, he wouldn't have gotten over 100 shots off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is there no end to the insanity of liberalism? Of course there would be, if the people stopped voting in blockheads like this into office, year after year!

  • 1 decade ago

    They did not need to have other laws, since there are already regulations in tact prohibiting Unlawful acts of terrorism. People need to be questioning commanders and politicians on their beliefs and exactly who they are loyal to! Vets cannot get on post with Honorable discharges But terrorist pizza deliveries can be made with little or no questioning or authorization. that happened at Ft Dix two years ago. The American people need to take them to task.

    Source(s): onenewsnow The American Patriot American Legion
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Haha, next he's gonna be saying "there needs to be fewer guns among our military members!" Just imagine what would happen if there were no guns in the hands of the soldiers...what a dumb@ss

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pope "Court Jew" Schumer is just a mouthpiece for his Vatican masters.

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