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What would you do if a friend stood you up?

My friend was supposed to meet me for lunch saturday and never showed. I waited for over 1/2 hour and tried to call her all day and she didn't return my call. I was worried that something bad happened to her all day and all night, I couldnt sleep. So finally yesterday, she sends me an email with a pathetic excuse and no apology.

Im I right for being upset?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sure you are, but it's no reason not to be friends anymore. You just have to put your foot down that you won't be treated that way again. Simply return the email and say "it's fine if you need to cancel on me sometimes, but please let me know in the future so I'm not sitting there waiting on you or worried that something might have happened on your way."

    Although I will say not returning any calls is pretty $hitty. I once had a friend do that to me, and tell me she was on the way to pick me up. She never showed and I found out later she ditched me for another chick to go hang out with some skeezy dudes in my town. Because she never did just call me up and say "I made other plans" and she had a history of lying, I had to let her go if you know what I mean. But it's your call, ya know? If she's generally a good friend and just made a mistake, then I'd forgive her since life is too short to be angry. But if she's a repeat offender, I would take into consideration that asking her for some consideration may not get you anywhere. Those kind of people you just have to realize that they only care about themselves and they don't make life any more fun to have around.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well then in reality she isn't considered a real friend. A real friend doesn't make excuses to leave and wants to spend her time with you. I say you should look for better friend you know the real ones. And a real friend doesn't stood you up she just doesn't. She is not a real friend. Don't even look for her or worry about her! she is not even worth your time! I mean i am not telling you to be mean to her and get in fight with her just drop it let go and forget about her. She is not worth your friendship. Trust me i know what i am telling you. She doesn't vaule you as a person and she doesn't apprecaite you either! But you know what she doesn't know she is missing in a great friendship. Just ignore her and don't even go back looking for her. If she was a good friend she come back and look for you and apologizing to you. Because you deserve an apology. Big time.

    Source(s): Personal experience I've had a friend that was too bossy and she would always stood me up. And now she hangs with someone else.. If she would've been a good friend she would stay with me always. HA i guess she forgot all the favors i did for her.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes. u have every right to be upset.

    a friend should always consider a friend because that's what friends are for, right?

    by ditching you and sending a pathetic excuse and not even an apology, she's proving to be not a very good friend. to make matters worse, she didnt even talk to u at the time.

    hope u get over it soon :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are perfectly right for being upset. I would be too especially since she didn't apologize. If she wasn't going to make it, she should've called you ahead of time. I would be mad and there is nothing wrong with you being upset.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you are right to be upset. i myself would get for instance next time you guys are supposed to meet up stand her up and if she trys to call you ...don't answer....then a few days later send her an email with a sorry you were 'washing your hair'.

  • 1 decade ago

    no such things as friends in this world. When you need em they are not to be found...when you have something they want, they will always be there...Family is your best thing to a friend...

  • siso
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


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