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Lv 4
Lacie asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

If you live in Canada, please give us Americans the pros & cons with social health care!?

Is it really better then private, and if so how?


Soldier, that was my concern, like community service, under staffed, over worked, poor health care is all I see coming our way!

Update 2:

I will pay $600. a month as I have for a long time, as long as I can! I'm a middle classed American that believes that I should have control over my health care not the government! And I will pay for a breast exam if I have to, before I'm 50! I have 3 friends that had breast cancer way before they were 50. America is going to be a beggar country, soon!

Update 3:

Tes, stubborn pride, lol!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i have been to canada and europe and asked this question exactly.

    in europe people pay the taxes for healthcare that russians come and use for free too, having not paid taxes. its the case in germany. also, most middle-class families end up buying private healthcare too for the bigger things.

    i have yet to find a canadian who is satisfied with their healthcare. most will tell you that the only people who like their healthcare are the americans and not them.

    its basically like having poor clinics for everybody where you are issued a number and you wait your turn. hopefully you make it in before its too late.

  • aparo
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    different than they don't. My mom and Step Father (Canadian) rather stay in Canada, in contrast to you who knows truthfully no one that rather lives there. you in elementary terms know hat you study on the Huffington post. as a remember of fact Canadians who could have the money for it come right here to united statesa. the place they are able to instantaneous wellness care, because of the fact in Canada wellness care is rationed. the government selections and chooses who gets help and while. until eventually you rather bypass to Canada and watch their very own information like I even have and incredibly seek advice from Canadians, you will locate their wellness care device is plagued with problems. In Canada, elementary ailments regularly turn severe because of long waiting strains. yet you're a Liberal, ignorant to the international around you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    - Everyone is covered (most important)

    - No middle man, payments, deductibles, co-pays (whatever that is)


    - Underfunded

    - Under staffed

    - Abused (see below)

    Universal public health care provides everyone with coverage regardless of income, age or condition. Canada needs more money for elective care, and needs more doctors. Our issues are strictly with funding, but, and especially now, money is hard to come by. Medical prices are high.

    If we cut some administration costs, invested more in preventive care and started to punish those that abuse the system (go to doctor for sniffles, go to emergency rooms for sprains, etc.) that would be a good start.

    Source(s): I pay $100 a month (from my paycheque for Medical). I pay 16% in income tax (plus CPP (pension) and EI (unemployment). And am "middle class")
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    in the private system...someone is trying to make a profit off of you. how could that ever be a good thing?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am the President of Mexico!

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