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Paul B asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Is the failure of Dubai - a further act of Islamic terrorism against the rest of the world?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes it is and quite frankly it isn't going to get any better. The Islamics that are fanatical are about 15% of the total Muslim population. That amounts to more than the population of the United States of America!

    Think about it ... more than 300,000,000 fanatical Muslims on the go and chomping at the bit to take all that they can. For allah of course.

    I believe that these creatures are the abomination that sits on the Temple mount and calls itself God. (The Dome of the Rock)? They will not be moved easily and they will terrorize every nation that allows them to do so.

    The thing scares me. If I were a younger man I'd go up north above Churchill Manitoba, or in Labrador or even immigrate to Northern Quebec and start a one man commune with a self sustaining living quarters where even the natives don't go. Because I'll tell you that in twenty to thirty years they will have Eurabia in their hands and in thirty to fifty years they will take the American continents as well. They will do this by simple demographics and I would not want to be around when they come with their mosques and minarets!

    But I'm an old dog now and by the time they get here in North America I will have been dead of old age for a good time.

    Thank God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's the International bankers, investors and stock markets at fault here. Where did anyone ever get the idea that Dubai was other than a country with the actual financial clout of an empty paper bag? The whole over the top development of the place was, from the start, transparently unstable. However, the true debt is only £48 billion which is considerably less than the Brown government gave to bail out the UK's banking system. The problem with the western world is that it takes these Muslim so-called 'Oil States' on too much face value. The real riches of these places are held by a very small proportion of the ruling classes. It's they we have to worry about. Yes, they could easily use acts of financial terrorism on a large scale to bring down western democracies. If this occurred the only response from the west would need to be military and, in the worst case scenario -nuclear.

  • 1 decade ago

    C'mon - 'terrorism' this is not.

    More a case of sheer stupidity and cupidity.

    Flushed with all the gushing oil-money flowing like liquid gold amongst the Emirates - Dubai invested heavily in bricks & mortar - latest state of the art stuff - hotels to attract millions of tourists - out-doing Disneyland - in Florida or outskirts of Paris.

    But Dubai has NO huge oil-reserves - to back-up this deep plunge into commercial risks on such a huge scale. It's just a jumped-up trading post - in a good location - but unlike Singapore or Honk-Kong hasn't the experience or the expertise to make itself a commanding, necessary point of call.

    OK - the sun shines a lot - and easily available cash from neighbouring States has enabled them to create all manner of 21st century buildings, facilities, etc. But the bricks and mortar now stand 50% below the 'value' of just a few years ago. Dubai is up a creek without a paddle - and much more a case of concern for Foreign Investors - braced to lose a packet - than seen as 'Terrorists'.


  • 1 decade ago

    Possible but not really.

    Many said it was the effect of recession; and , thus worrying on the economic situation. That was misleading.

    The truth is that Dubai and Arabia are heavily depending on oil export; that dependence was made by U.S. and Europe with manipulating on their (Dubai and Arabia) politic. The situation was just like a person being forced to take opium. Now, U.S. is trying to cut back their spending on fossil fuel to 83% of consumption in year 2005. Then, the income of Arabian union will drop and they need to readjust their business. But their business can be readjustable but the result will be getting much independence with mistrust on U.S.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    How do all of us be responsive to that Muslims did it? 'reason some loose tongued media guy introduced that on T.V? I recommend that Muslims stop getting coronary heart assaults whilst they r accused of terrorist assasinations. attempt getting to know who commits genocidal events in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine and Chechnya. according to possibility which will help do away with the undue experience of guilt over crimes which human beings commit. EDIT: @Karina---thumbs up! @Michelle---no difficulty! pay me a bypass to every time u r loose. i will quit those itty-bitty terrorists to u. have been given all of them packed in my brown suitcase.

  • 1 decade ago

    Terrorists find America to be too hard a target to strike---so they now focus on weaker countries that pose prime strike targets to get "their message" known to the world. This was logically anticipated--and should be seen by ALL countries hosting safety concerns.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol Perhaps you should go to the Dubai forums and ask there.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are taking the notion of "conspiracy theory" a little too far here.

  • 1 decade ago

    What failure?

  • BL
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    How do you figure?

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