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Did anyone else read the Vampire Diaries books and then watch the new TV show?

Well, I don't know if you did....but I did.

And...if you did, doesn't is ANNOY you how it isn't anything like the all?!

Don't get me wrong, I like the books..LOVE the books...and I like the TV series so far..but really they shouldn't be related. The TV series doesn't follow the storyline of the book at all. I mean, half of the character's name aren't even the same, and they're missing vital characters like Meredith...and since when does Elena have a BROTHER?!

Whatever, I guess I was just really excited to see the books made into a TV series...and then was disappointed when it wasn't anything like the books.

I like the TV series by itself, it just shouldn't be called the Vampire Diaries or be considered as being based off of L.J. Smith's books.

So, what's your opinion?


@ breezy(iheart tokiohotel!!) Ah, sorry! I hope I didn't spoil any of it for you. I didn't mean to if I did. But I definitely suggest reading the books if you can, because if you like the Tv series, you'll love the books.

But I do agree, Damon is extremely hot, so if Stefan..but wow..Damon...

And I'm glad a lot of you guys agree with me. I thought maybe it was just me.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is so true. I read the series about a year before the shows came out and I read so much that I usually forget a lot of the story after a year, but I remember the main plot and NOTHING lines up except for the fact that there's Damon and Stephan and Elena (they didn't even take the trouble to bleach Elena's hair and throw some colored contacts into her though). And I love the show so much but you're right in saying that they shouldn't be related.

    I mean, Damon really never killed anyone in the books. Vicki - where did she even come from? And she's supposed to be Matt's sibling but Matt's like albino and Vicki's tan and pretty. And then Jeremey. Ay. Elena had a little sister, not a little brother. None of it works with the books. I think they only reason they called the Vampire Diaries was because that would make the show popular right off the bat instead of having them have to gain their own popularity.


  • Andrea
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I know it annoys me a bit, the show itself is good but completely different from what L.J. wrote. I loved Stefan and Damon in the books and I like them in the tv show but their characters are a bit different. I heard that Meredith might make an appearance. Oh well the show is not going to be anything like the books but I'll keep watching since the show is not halfbad

  • Mercy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I've read up to the first 2 novels. I loved the books, and I also love the TV series. I don't really care that it's not completely based off the books. If it were I wouldn't watch it. I can't stand when I watch a movie/TV show is based off a book completely! I like that it's different then the books. Because really why would a little kid (Elena's sister in the book) be in a show where there is sex, swearing, and spooky sexy vampires that were leather jackets...? Well that's my opinion on the matter :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I've read the books and think that Elena is a total B, I know it might sound harsh but I am extremely grateful that the show is nothing like the books, still miss Meredith though, she's a genuine character.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Im still reading the books, i think im up to the 3rd book. Yeah, its nothing at all like the books! i still like it, but it probably would be better with the book storyline. However, i think its similar to the books, so i do think it should be called "Vampire Diaries" :) The TV series is cool, because of Elena's brother. And the things that occur with Vickie :) I love stefan <3 he's SUPER hot. lmao.

  • 1 decade ago

    I read the books and watch the series. I wasn't surprised though because in interviews the director was very clear about how different they would be. And many of the cast haven't even read the books (which I find pretty disgraceful).

    You can find those interviews on

    We review the series weekly and discuss the differences on our forum.

    I'm beginning to like the differences, but I also really like the books. I just consider them totally different entities.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not just the drug addict emo brother, alot of other things were changed.

    The Renaissance history of the Salvatore brothers was changed to the Civil War, despite the fact that Renaissance Italy was the most influential time in history, ever. Without it there wouldn't be banks, retail, strip-malls, higher education, etc. It wasn't for ratings, because look at how well Assassin's Creed 2 sold. I pester one of the producers on Twitter, but honestly that stubborn woman just ignores "negative" feedback.

    They made this show too much like Twilight. It's obvious that while Nina Dobrev doesn't exactly look like Bella, she was cast because of her resemblances. It certainly wasn't her ability to act like Elena, of which she does a horrible job, or her appearance. (Caroline) Candice Accola's personality in real life fits Elena far better than the bitchy nagging constant mind-changing psychopath that Nina Dobrev portrays, AND Candice Accola looks alot like Elena.

    I've actually been banned so many times from the CW forum itself because those sycophants can't stand constructive criticism. If you offer criticism on their actors, it's "negative". The CW is just as ridiculous & pig-headed as CBS, and I hope they get sued for copyright out of this bullsh*t.

    That said, I have no problem with Paul Wesley as Stefan (steh-FAWN, not steh-fin), or Ian Somerhalder as Damon. They both play the roles well, as does the guy who plays Matt.

    Katerina Graham, as Bonnie on the other hand, is horrible. She barely even smiles, yet Bonnie was supposed to be this perky fun loving girl. Instead, they cast an angry looking actress with angst written all over her face. Her hair of course doesn't match, but neither does the personality.

  • 1 decade ago

    i like both the books and tv show but it would have been better if they were related...i mean in the book elena has attitude and is blonde....i think its ridicoulous how they dont have meredith...i mean she was one of the main characters and friends...i think they should have had coraline with more attitude on the show...i agree that it shouldn't be called vampire diaries because its just totally off...

  • Emma
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I COMPLETELY AGREE! I love the series, and I love the books, too! But it IS very annoying how different it is. And where is Robert, Aunt Judith's boyfriend? Why is Aunt Judith so dang young? And all of these new vampires! Alaric isn't supposed to be a vampire! Ahh, it's annoying. I do love the TV series, though...

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah i read all the books like last year and have watched every tv show out. i was dissapointed at first when elena's hair was BROWN but the tv show was so freakin good that it's hard not to love :D and i think they didn't mean to make it based off the book. well they have some of the same plot (ie falling in love) but they created their own tv show with it cuz they can't copy off of the book exactly.

    Source(s): vampire diaries is my favorite book/tv show
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