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How educated are anthropogenic global warming believers to factors that caused climate change in the past?
have these factors been researched and excluded as the cause of climate change now, or is there
just no money in proving that fact!!!
12 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
Lets put it this way. There is a natural global warming and cooling. It arives and goes in cycles. The little ice age, was the last cooling part of the cycle. The Earth had been warming on it's own since then. Man effecting these outcomes, with the latest technology we have, are very low.
The majority of top scientist from around the world agree that global warming is too complex to track. Makes sense, because most of those who claim global warming by man, seem to be mostly amateurs / low ranking scientists.
Wasn't it not to long ago, someone hacked into a computer. Finding out that the numbers on global warming, had been greatly tampered with? (Some UN documents)? That alone shows how much of a scam global warming can really be.
All organic organisms are made from three basic elements. Oxygen, Hydrogen and guess what.... Carbon dioxide. C02 (Carbon dioxide) is the basic molecule for organic structure / matter. Most organic organisms, including humans, exhale C02, because of this.
The oil and coal we use for energy is guess what? Formed by millions of years of dead organic matter.
When life first began, there was no ozone. Only clouds of gases, mostly made up of Carbon dioxide. The first organic animals, being microscopic plant species living in the oceans, where the ones releasing oxygen in the atmosphere for us. (creating ozone).
I do agree on one note however. The less plant species surviving on earth, the less oxygen in the atmosphere. Since plants are our source for oxygen to begin with. The less plant species producing oxygen, the more we suffocate with our own C02.
The best way to solve the problem is to plant more trees.
However, global warming is indeed being blown up for political reasons. You have to admit. Gore used global warming as a perfect scam to make his millions upon billions.
Didn't Gore suggest we where going through global cooling years ago? He must not have been making enough from that scam.
Side note: I would bet a million that "Sky", doesn't know what "Anthropogenic" means.
- Anonymous5 years ago
The argument of "Deniers" i understand has on no account been there is not any AGW. we are only skeptical because of the fact the AGW claims nd fashions have been shown incorrect. we've been cooler in view that 1998! it is over 11 years, for Pete's sake. The predictions have been that as CO2 will boost, then the temperature will boost. Skeptics tried to rebut that interior the ninety's while by Gores on chart, it confirmed CO2 accompanied temp. interior the Vostok ice center samples. additionally, the earth has been in a protracted term warming form for over sixteen,000 years in accordance to the ice center pattern archives. for the period of that long warming form, there are a number of hundreds of shorter sessions wherein the value of warming and/or cooling the two skyrockets up or down for fairly long (10-30) years. Why is so ridiculous to think of we'd be in a sort of sessions? i'm a SKEPTIC. i've got self assurance the AGW theory is a valid one, yet not yet an frequently used actuality. you are able to call me in spite of the fact which you desire, yet until I see real archives lower back up your theory with no techniques-achieving assumptions, then i will proceed to be a skeptic and have self assurance that the earth will circulate on warming until it makes a decision to start cooling lower back. purely like it consistently has long previously guy had something to do with it.
- ...Lv 71 decade ago
The influence of mankind was not such a factor in the past. Can we destroy the planet? No. We don't have that power. But we can make a pretty big impact on ourselves and the environment and all creatures great and small. Why not try to lessen our impact on the earth? Why not take better care of ourselves and our world?
What's the issue there?
- StephanieLv 61 decade ago
As other people have mentioned, the earth has gone through repeated cycles of warming and cooling for millions of years.
However, humans ARE damaging the atmosphere and it IS having an effect on the earth's climate.
Whether you believe in AGW or not is not relevant. Plant a freaking tree. Buy a car with fewer emissions that uses less gas. Recycle.
This is OUR PLANET whether you believe in AGW or not (I do). Take care of it for your descendants to enjoy.
Believe me, earth won't be so pretty in 200 years.
Say 'bye bye' to the beach.
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- rsc3033Lv 71 decade ago
I believe it is a money grab, a scam, and will destroy wealthy nations in favor of some new world order.
Let me guess, this new world order will need a president right? Maybe after Obama destroys the US, he will be in a position to inherit this job?
I predict this is his plan, 8 years possibly to destroy the US economy, then take the New World position and continue his "Redistribution of wealth"
I am sure Barack and Michelle will be around for a very long time.
The amount of attention they give to children in school is not an accident, I believe this is planned, because these children grow up loving the Obama's and eventually become voters.
- u_r_a_libtardLv 41 decade ago
What really matters are the UN global warming documents reciently hacked from the UN offices that clearly indicate the UN global warming scare mongers purposefully lied about global warming and the data they released.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
There is plenty of money for anyone who can prove greenhouse gases are not the main driver, unfortunately for you guys: there is no data to support that claim.
- Dina WLv 61 decade ago
They simply cannot use historical facts.. Because if they did, then it would disprove their theory. And then governments could not control their citizens actions by taxes, limits, and rationing.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
cavemen defeated the ice age glaciers by lighting their farts... An inconvenient truth.
- 1 decade ago
They are not educated, just indoctrinated.
Source(s): Check out a small analysis of the source code: