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I have a delima. My bf got me a motorcycle with the loan in his name and i've been making the payments.?

Now that we split up he wants the bike back which I refuse toi give up because I've made my payments on time and kept my part of the agreement (verbal) up. The bike is titles to me as the owner and him as the co owner with no lien information on the title. The loan for the bike came from an account i his name soley. What can I do? I told him to take me to court. Can I say the bike was a gift considering he gave it to me with no sustantial documental contract? Which it is? And if it was not a gift why put the title as me being the owner? Its a sticky situation, Wtf can I do?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell him to take you to court. Since you have been making the payments.. it is technically your bike. Just make sure you have all the evidence you need to prove that you have been making the payments.

    The judge will see that he did in fact buy this for you as a gift.. and that you have in fact made all the payments and been responsible with it. They will reward you the bike.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well I am not a lawyer and I am not a cop, but based on your letter I cannot undedrstand why any cop or any lawyer would deed ownership to the party making the payments. One thing has nothing to do with the other.....If teh bike is titled in your name/you purchasaed it etc etc neither the banks/the finac companies or the Stae give a hoot one way or the other who sends the check. As long as the check gets to them on time every month..YOu are still teh legal owner of that bike period...THIs is trange news for sure. Maybe you are not telling all in your question. It would seem to me tht since he stoppedmaking payments you dont need to worry about getting it back. The band will rpeo it shrolty then neither of you will have the bike...Go to the loan officer et cetc with the title and see if they can provide any assistance with the local police prior to getting your bike repossessed...Goodluck

  • 1 decade ago

    As long as you keep paying the payments it is yours. If you stop then he can take you to court, get the bike back and make you pay for interest the loans have built up.

    So just keep paying for the bike and he cant do anything, even if he takes you to court they will most likely rule in your favor since you have been paying the payments on time.

    Edit: It is not a gift if you are paying for it. It is hard to prove something is a gift in small claims court, almost always they give the "gift" back. You will win if you just keep paying payments on time, if you dont he can get the bike back.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He "gave" you a bike with the loan in HIS name??

    And how exactly does this fit under the description of a gift?? You've been duped. He basically thought he'd 'loan' you the bike,make it think it was yours, and if/when u broke up, the bike would be in his name and it would be hard to prove otherwise. I suppose if the checking account the pymts were made from were strictly in your name, you may have a case, but it's still gonna be an uphill battle. Get an attorney. Live and learn.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you've made the payments & have proof (cleared checks or money orders), then he really doesn't have a leg to stand on. The loan might be in his name but you've got payment proof AND the title has you as owner. The court will most likely see him as bitter and just tell you to get the loan into your name.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're listed as owner so he can't just take the bike, you could stop making payments and he would be entirely responsible for the loan as it is solely in his name.

    If he takes you to court he would have to reimburse you for all the payments made to buy you out.

  • Poppy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Get a loan and buy him out. He'll have to sign a "quit claim" title getting his name off the title as the co-owner. Simple fix really.

  • Lazlo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sell the bike, split the money (regardless of how much you've paid into it, you are listed as co-owners).

    Simply get out from the financial obligation with him.

    & never do anything this stupid with someone again.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Talk to Judge Judy

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