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Lv 5
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 1 decade ago

When should you start weaning a baby from night feedings?

11 Answers

  • Wendy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I personally think that we should leave it up to the baby, they know better then we do that nighttime bottles or nursing sessions are no longer needed. I have never weaned my babies they weaned themselves.

    Source(s): 13 month old who still feeds once a night.
  • 123
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    just recently I've tried to wean some of the middle of the night feedings for our son. he's 10 months old. most of the time it doesn't work, haha. BUT I don't mind him nursing for comfort in the middle of the night and I don't like him crying. he is teething and just came off a growth spurt and I don't want him to think I'm letting him go hungry or ignoring his teething pain. dr. sears has a good article on tips for night-weaning, but like everything some work for some babies and others don't work. mine still nurses 3 or 4 times a night's been a while since I got a good nights sleep but he's only little once and if we let him just cry it out for the night feedings he wouldn't be happy and neither would I.

    eta: like hannah's mommy said! the other night I woke up parched because the heat was cranking in my house. the babe woke up at the same time and I tried just rocking him before thinking to myself, wtf! I get thirsty and get myself a drink, there's no reason my son wouldn't need a drink too..

    just my opinion!

  • IDK
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That really depend on you more than anything. Are breastfeeding and he wants to feed just for comfort? What age is your child is another factor to consider. If you are breastfeeding and child is waking up for pure comfort then this is a decision you have to make on weather or not it is a good idea to continue. Damian was 9 months and still woke up to eat. My problem with his night feedings where that he was truly not hungry, he would drink 1oz and go back to sleep. I decide it was time for this to stop. If ever Damian woke up in the middle of the night I would sing to him and rock him instead of feeding him. It only took him about 4 days to sleep the whole night with out waking up to feed. This is only my particular situation and it work for me. It all depend on what your situation is and what is the best approach for your child.

  • 1 decade ago

    I weaned night feeding when he was 6months. Interestingly, he slept better without night feeding, so everyone was happy in the house. So my boy woke up often not because of hunger and he takes more before bedtime and early in the morning. I'm glad I did it...

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i don't think anyone should ever wean a baby from a feeding. they are hungry when they're hungry, so feed them. i think it's incredibly selfish to wean from a night feeding just so you can get a little more sleep! feed the baby when it's hungry!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    perchance attempt having dad positioned him to mattress? certainly he knows of he's no longer getting milk from dad. I even have an analogous issue, different than my daughter is 9 months. She nurses all evening long. i got here across the only way i will get sleep is that if she sleeps with me...properly that is going to develop right into a issue so i'm attempting to get her to sleep interior the crib. that's a hard transition yet from what everybody says it merely lasts some days. So merely refuse to nurse, supply him a passy, and positioned him interior the crib. it may take longer for him to bypass to sleep (yet optimistically it is going to easily final a pair of days) stable success to you and congratulations for breast-feeding this long!

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, I think when baby says that they are no longer hungry or thirsty in the middle of the night.

    I wake up most nights for a drink of water.

  • 1 decade ago

    6 months

    Source(s): daughter's pediatrician
  • I have to agree with the first answer. Baby will sleep through the night when baby is ready to. I wake up hungry every night and morning, but I am able to go back to sleep. Babies just need to refill their tummies to get back to sleep. Every baby is different, so just follow your baby's cue.

  • boots6
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When my son stopped waking up for them, I stopped doing them. From time to time he still wants one, so I feed him.

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