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RUESTER asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Sick of the 2 party system?

Who is with me on this? The two party system in American politics suck. You hear the same rhetoric, see the same faces, and have to try to find your way through the lies. Since when don't the Libertarians or Independents get the consideration the Republicans or Democrats get when it comes to debate, media coverage, etc? What on earth, besides money says the Reps and Dems get the center stage? I am sick of it, and want to see my country go back to living the American life as the Constitution is written, not manipulated and "read" into by the Supreme Court as the powers that are in office at the time seem to dictate.

No fair shake for the other parties. I am interested in all serious replies.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is precisely why I joined the Libertarians

  • Bob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My reasons for being sick of the 2 party system are probably different, but I agree that we need to get beyond it.

    The fact is though that any changes we would make toward a multiparty system would require changes in the electoral system that would make us look a lot more like Europe. I imagine a lot of people on the right would jump on that. So, Democrats aren't going to change it. Then Republicans stand to gain nothing if it changes. The Republican party isn't very well held together despite being completely white. It would fragment. There would be no way that the rightward parties would be able to unite rhetorically well enough to hold America as far to the right as they do now.

    Any attempt to change the electoral system will have to come from some out of thin air populism that isn't attached to the continued interests of either of the established parties because let me reiterate it would be irrational for either party, if they were in power to do it.

    More practically speaking what is necessary is to end the first past the post method of voting, i.e. the method of voting where whoever gets the most votes regardless if they have a majority wins, there are many alternatives, but let's not get into that. Then we have to have multi-member districts, not necessarily on the whole state level, but maybe within regions that identify with themselves, that way we get people representing all interests not just the majority interest.

    Until we change either or both of these, we aren't going to have a viable national third party (for long).

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    In Texas, you can vote in either party's primary. My idea is to change how we look at the 2 party system. Ron Paul, for example, ran as a Republican but we all knew he was a Libertarian. Maybe that is the way it shoudl be. We have a Democrat-Green candidate & a Democrat-progressive candidate. And we can have a Republican-Libertarian candidate & a Republican-GOP candidate. Libertarians can go both ways considering they are like the Republicans claim to be on fiscal issues & the way the democrats are on social issues. So anyone can pick which candidate they want to vote for in the primaries. But, ultimately, we need to choose between 2 candidates come November. Otherwise, we might have 34% wanting Obama to stay and 66% wanting Obama out, but 33% voting for a Libertarian & 33% voting for a Republican.

  • Rick
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Regardless of what anyone may consider "ideal," the Republican and Democratic parties have such a strangle hold on the media outlets, via financing, that third parties really have a hard time getting the same exposure.

    I'm sure there are many of us Americans that are sick of "status quo" politics, but unless we collectively wake up and shake up our elected officials, nothing is going to happen.

    The best we can do at this point is try to take back ownership of our government and teach our children that they will need to do the same.

    There are no easy answers.

    Read some of Ron Paul's books. Visit Campaign for Liberty. Get involved in your local politics.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I recognized this same fact many years ago and have never voted for either of the two major parties. Truth is; I am now poised to think all ego driven, career minded wall flower politicians are of the same cut, meaning no party excites me. No matter the party, they only serve the interest of like minded people that are motivated by a favor for a group, and you are right in that, money is the final equation.

    I think term limits are the only final solution. How we get there is practically impossible since our federal political base is wrapped up so tight in their careers (supposedly on behalf of us), it's akin to a pipe dream. The alternative and very doable is: VETO = Vote Everyone of Them Out! For me, that's never voting for another incumbent as long as I am able to vote, even if I like them, their out after a term or two.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm willing to bet that most here are 60/40 for the ideology/party they favor, and have to hold their nose and gag on the other 40%.

    That's not a passing grade.

    American politics needs a "dimmer" switch, instead of OFF or ON.

    The rich have enough money to buy both, and they know it.

    Perhaps they'll run out of money attempting to buy, say ... six different, recognized parties?

    From the Simpsons:

    "Kang or Kodos ... You have to vote for one of us, it's a two party system. Ha Ha Ha Ha."

    Idiot cartoons know more than we do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have to beat them at their own game. In my state many libertarian minded people are registering republican and showing up at party caucuses to become delegates. Most of the long time republicans don't bother showing for these things so if enough of us make it we can change the party platform, decide who holds state party positions, and pick nominees. Most of us are members of campaign for liberty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, thanks for posting this.

    I like Lord Monckton's idea of a Freedom Party that will operate nationally and internationally.

    That, or political libertarian/conservatives need to take control of the Republican party away from the neo-cons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we have a one party system of crooks pretending to be two parties. best thing to do is to get everybody to stop supporting both branches of the gang and vote in third parties.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm quite sick of the system as a whole, to be entirely honest, two-party or otherwise.

    (If you look closely, though, you'll notice that the same person is holding both puppets...)

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