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Torterra asked in HealthDental · 1 decade ago

Getting my wisdom teeth out?

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in maybe a few months.

Does it really hurt that bad? I have to get all four out because they are all coming in at angles. The dentist said that they're going to knock me out completely when they take the teeth out. I know that it will hurt afterwards but how badly? What will I be able to eat?


Thanks guys!

And I don't smoke lol I'm only a teenager :-)

What are dry sockets??

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I know exactly how you feel! Last year, I had to get my bottom wisdom teeth pulled out and my bottom 12 year old molars because all of them were impacted and coming in at angles, too. I was 12, so it was really scary for me, lol.

    Getting your wisdom teeth doesn't hurt. Especially not during it because they sedate you or knock you out. When I got my teeth pulled out, I got deep IV sedation. Which is like getting knocked out but you can still breathe on your own.

    So this is what will happen:

    When you're in the little room where they pull your teeth out, they will have you lie down on the chair. First, they will give you laughing gas but it's a stronger form of it. This makes you feel really tired. After about 2 minutes of getting this, I completely fell asleep. After they see that you have sort of "passed out" they will put the IV in you. For me, I couldn't feel it at all. Personally, all I heard was "you might feel a slight pinch" but I didn't feel anything, because, well I was like passed out already from the laughing gas. And then you're out. While you're out (you won't know this is happening, but they told me this) they give you Novocaine and other local anesthesia so when you wake up your mouth doesn't hurt. And then you wake up, and you'll end up having a lot of gause in your mouth and you'll feel dizzy and tired. Then they'll help you walk to the recovery room for a couple of minutes so you can relax and lay down.

    Your mouth will still be numb, but you'll feel really weird, tired and dizzy because all of the anesthesia hasn't worn off yet.

    Personally, after everything like a few days later I didn't feel a lot of pain. It did slightly hurt, but not too bad. Probably because I took tylenol. So I suggest you take that too, or ibuprofen. As long as you take pain reliever, it shouldn't hurt that bad. I also suggest having an ice pack near your mouth where you got your teeth removed, that always helps.

    Your doctor will give you medications, to take after words too. I got two, one was to prevent any infections and another was for something else. I think it might have been pain relief. You'll also get extra gause and a small panphlet about everything you need to know.

    You'll be able to eat soft things. Soup, eggs, soft bread, liquids, mashed potatoes, popsicles, smoothies, etc. Don't start eating harder things until most of the pain has subsided without pain reliever. And Don't drink out of straws to prevent dry sockets.

    Good luck!


  • 1 decade ago

    You will be a bit sore, but as long as it goes as planned, it shouldn't be that bad...You may want to eat light foods... Between my experience and my husband's, we've found that it's best to take anti-inflammatory medications afterwards to take down any swelling. Don't smoke and don't drink through a straw until you are totally healed. If you do, you have a good chance of getting "Dry sockets". There is a chance that you could get dry sockets even if you don't smoke or use a straw, but it's supposedly pretty rare. Unfortunately when I had all four of mine out, I got dry sockets for an unknown reason...That's when you run into the real pain... Your Dentist will most likely talk to you about these things before hand. And don't be afraid to ask them questions! Good Luck! I'm sure you'll be fine...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You must deliver him slightly blanket you made similar to a tie blanket (great convenient) Don't get him any smoothies or some thing you'll consume/drink for a straw considering it'll pull the stitches out and rationale a few dangerous harm underneath the cure gums. What fairly is helping to heal is like mashed peas (heard from oral medical professional) simply placed the bag by means of his cheeks. Go to goal and purchase a mini journey dimension tylenol or whatever so he can use it if he needs to (he's going to most likely already get a prescription for ache killers, to ease the ache) Get him a get good card and write plenty in it, that might be great to peer that you simply handle him and spent the time to deliver him whatever specified :) you'll feel of extra stuff, Good Luck and inform him to get bigger.

  • Ellie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Oo, I'm not going to lie to you..

    it will hurt like a ***** after wards.

    Your cheeks will puff up for a day or so and where you got your wisdom teeth take out will bleed. Put teabags in your mouth to soak up the blood.

    There is medicine you can take, so take it!!

    You will still get the occasional bit of bone floating around in your mouth for a few weeks after wards, and the area where you got your teeth out will feel gummy, but the bone will re-grow.

    Just take some R&R for a few days until you recover.

    Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It all depends on your tolerance to pain. everyone is different.

    Yo uwill be given pain meds. Yo uwill be able to eat soft stuff like mashed potatoes, icecream, jello, pudding, scrambled eggs.

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