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What moved the energy which resulted in Big Bang?

Think of this - energy (in form of force) moves physical bodies. But what moves energy ? Why I am asking ? Because the big bang is a result of concentrating huge energy to a singular point. What moved this huge energy ?


Big Bang is supposed to be the cause of this universe.

Meaninful answers are appreciated

Update 2:

Addn-2 : Thought energy is required to move bodies - that is what I learnt through Newton Laws. Force X distance is the energy hopefully.

May be my understanding of Big Bang is wrong. Thought it created particles from energy and not other way round.

Update 3:

Holly : thanks for insight.

Energy is manifested through many acts and mediums.

Is there any thought directions or hypothesis in this regard or it is still a totally closed unfathomed chapter ?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only honest answer is we are clueless and no god did not do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    In order to figure out why the big bang happened, why that energy didn't just stay condensed into a singularity, we will need new equations which let us describe what goes on at a singularity.

    We ned a theory of everything, but luckily, CERN is working on it.

    In a more general sense, force is force, and energy is energy. They are not interchangable and force isn't strictly a form of energy. Force moves bodies, but energy does not have to. Energy is the potential to do work, and there are many more kinds of work than just moving objects.

    If, more philosophically, you want to know the "first cause", then there most probably wasn't one. It is well-established that energy can arise uncaused from nothing. We call this vacuum fluctuation. It seems probable that the universe is just the result of a big quantum fluctuation (big to us, anyway, since scale is subjective).

    Since the universe is flat, as confirmed by WMAP in 2003, then the negative potential energy of gravity exactly balances out the positive energy of everything else. Mathematically, the universe has a net energy of zero, and the universe can be as big or as small as it wants, since its positive energy debt is always precisely paid by the negative energy of gravity.

    We could also invoke the anthropic principle to explain this to some degree. If that singularity hadn't expanded, then it would not be possible for us to be here to discuss it. Therefore, since we are here discussing it, that singularity must have expanded.

    Source(s): Why the universe is flat: Why gravity has negative potential energy: More on the anthropic principle:
  • 1 decade ago

    The force that moves physical bodies isn't necessarily energy. Gravity is a force, but (as far as I know) is not energy. Same with magnetism (as far as I know).

    As for the Big Bang, energy wasn't concentrated to a singular point, matter was. You could say that before the Big Bang there was no energy (if all matter was located in a single point, nothing could be moving, therefore there was no energy)! Energy was released during the Bang. However, I still have no idea what caused it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I sincerely hope you're not about to say "God did it".

    Because that would be a complete failure to address the issue. If God created the energy, then what created God? An even bigger god? You just get an infinite chain of gods, and still no real answer.

    However, if you're asking an honest question about science, the honest answer is that science simply hasn't found out yet. We do not know, scientifically speaking, what caused the Big Bang.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Big Bang theory Starts with The Big Bang. Time itself started flowing then only. u cant ask what happened before that. This is the answer they will give you..

    But the truth is "We dont know"

    Also Big Bang is not the final theory for cosmological origins.

    it is the accepted theory for now.

    As technology advances and observational evidence increases it would be replaced by another theory.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait until the CERN tests on the 27 km long tunnel are over. Some answer may come out of that. Otherwise no body knows

  • 1 decade ago

    My dear friend it is much beyond the comprehension of the senses and the mind.

    I have been wondering about this myself and still wondering.And I think that the fact that we cant comprehend is just what makes us different from god.

    all who is giving me a thumb down prove me wrong

  • 1 decade ago

    Look it up in the textbook. O WAIT. Science cant prove the big bang yet. ITS JUST THEORY

  • 1 decade ago


  • Sam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No one knows.

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