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Melissa asked in Consumer ElectronicsCameras · 1 decade ago

what is the cheapest digital camera that has infra red so I can use a wireless shutter remote?

I have looked online and in a few Camera stores but I prefer not to have a sony. So if you have one what is the model name?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can convert any Canon or Nikon for under $400. Get a cheap old D1 for $300 with a 50mm and convert. Once you do that you can shoot like normal. No filter, up to 1/8000 if you want. Hand held, the viewfinder is perfectly clear. It's really awesome. They remove the infrared blocker on the sensor and put a infared filter back on the sensor.

  • gremer
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Get your self an old 35mm movie digital camera(SLR canon or nikon) then get your self an infra pink movie you additionally can get a flash to bypass with it in case you like,do it the main appropriate way have some exciting with it,then get it professionally processed..

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